Summon Shenron

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Authors note
Let's get right into the chapter shall we
Here we go


We have all seven dragon balls and have just arrived back at capsule corp no for the hardest part of my plan we have to kill Bulma and then revive her but in order for this to be successful at removing the tumour I need to aim a ki blast directly through her skull and disintegrate the tumour completely "Kakarot can you come over here please"? I ask "yeah sure, what's up Vegeta"? He asked "well for this to work I kneed to shot a perfectly aimed ki blast through Bulma's skull targeting the tumour to completely disintegrate it in the process, that's the only way this is gonna work" I said "ok Vegeta it seems like you have thought this through quite a lot" he said "hey Vegeta I'm ready" said Bulma quietly and I took a deep breath and explained what I had to do and without another word she stood confidently in front of me "whenever your ready Vegeta" she said "ok Bulma I'm going to make this as quick and as painless as possible" and with that I focused and aimed the ki blast perfectly it took seconds for the beam to make a clear hole through her head but otherwise her head was left intact Kakarot caught her with tears in his eyes I looked down and let a few tears fall.


I had tears in my eyes as I caught Bulma and took her lifeless body into the medical bay and lay her down gently before going back outside with Vegeta "hey you ok Vegeta"? I asked he looked up at me and all of a sudden was in my arms "that was the hardest thing I've ever had to do" he sobbed I knew that Vegeta was hurting bad having to kill one of his closest friends "hey let's go and rest for now ok we will summon Shenron tomorrow ok" "alright Kakarot" we walked into capsule corp and went up to our room and showered together and then snuggles up in the bed together and soon drifted off to sleep.


I woke with a start when the alarm clock went off Kakarot was mumbling something in his sleep "Kaka it's time to wake up" I said softly and he woke up "hey morning Geta" he said
"It's time" I said flatly "ok I'll go get the dragon balls ready" said Kaka excitedly I got off the bed and went to the medical bay and gently picked up Bulma's lifeless body and took her outside and gently laid her on one of the lawn chairs as Kaka set up the dragon balls "ETERNAL DRAGON BY YOUR NAME I SUMMON YOU FORTH, SHENRON" Kaka yelled and the dragon balls began to glow as the sky darkened as Shenron appeared and spoke "YOU THAT HAVE SUMMONED ME SPEAK YOUR WISH AND I SHALL GRANT IT" Shenron deep booming voice spoke "SHENRON I WISH FOR BULMAS LIFE AND HEALTH TO BE RESTORED" Kakarot shouted so the dragon could hear him "IT SHALL BE DONE, YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED AND NOW I BID YOU FAIRWELL" Shenron disappeared and the dragon balls rose into the air and shot off in different directions across the planet. moments after Shenron had disappeared we heard a groan behind us and turned around "BULMA" we both shouted happily "hey guys do you think it worked?" "Let's go and get your dad to do a full brain scan ok" I said "right let's go" said Kakarot.


I was in my lab working on a serum that would help make animals immune to disease and I was about to test it on scratch when Goku Vegeta and Bulma appeared in my lab asking me to do a full brain scan on Bulma "ah so I see you've carried out your plan Vegeta" I asked
"Yes we have Dr, and I believe that it has worked" Vegeta answered quietly "ok so let's get this scan done, Vegeta, Goku can I get you to step outside for ten minutes while I complete the scan" I said "ok" Goku responded
"See you boys soon" I said I begun the scan and studied it as the scans were being taken and noticed that was no trace of the tumour ever being there "so the plan worked, I wonder how Vegeta knew that it would work"? I asked myself then I told Bulma that the scans were complete and called Goku and Vegeta back in to show them the scans. Goku and Vegeta were both relived that the plan had worked "well I think that Bulma will have a much more energetic and enjoyable time now that she will be able to get her energy back" said Goku "yes, it seems like it doesn't it" said Vegeta.

Authors note
Vegeta's plan has been quite successful and all seems well again but not for long as there is a certain Saiyan closing in on planet earth and trouble is brewing,
Will Goku and Vegeta be able to defend the planet?

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