Chapter 1

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Authors note
This is so exciting !. I'm posting my first ever fanfic on Wattpad 😆. Ok so disclaimer has been added in overview. Let me know how you like the story by leaving a vote and a comment.

Ok here we go.

Chapter one



I was in the gravity room doing my daily training, I was in the middle of a one handed push up when I heard a knock at the gravity room door "WHOSE THERE"? I shouted and I heard Kakarot answer "UH HEY VEGETA I WAS WONDERING IF WE COULD TALK" he answered "GO AWAY BAKA" I answered. I heard a loud sigh and next thing I knew Kakarot was standing right in front of me *HOW THE HELL DID HE.......* my thought trailed off once I remembered Kakarot's instant transmission technique. I let out a groan "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT KAKAROT"? I practically screamed in his face then it clicked when I looked into his eyes something wasn't right "Ka..Kakarot what's wrong"? I asked calmly. Kakarot sighed and I saw tears forming in his obsidian eyes
"Kakarot "? I spoke again he broke down and slumped down to the floor "Veg.....eta I..I" he sobbed "what is it Kakarot? ...... you can tell me anything". Kakarot lunged into my arms crying his eyes out, I was in absolute shock I had no idea what was happening.


I jolted awake my cell phone ringing.
I picked it up and answered. "Hello this is Vegeta" I said gruffly "Veg.....eta .... i...i .....can I come over"? Kakarot asked stuttering sounding like he had been crying "yes Kakarot I will see you soon" "o....k Veg...eta se...see" Kakarot hung up with a sniffle he had definitely been crying before calling me.


I hung up the phone from talking to Vegeta and thanked master Roshi for letting me stay at his house for the night he had comforted me after my fight with ChiChi. Master Roshi had also tended to the angry red wounds on my back and wrapped them for me I thanked him and headed off to capsule corp to see Vegeta.


I'm pacing around in my room wondering why Kakarot sounded so upset and anxious, *did that harpy of a woman do something to him*?
*did she hurt him in some way*? *is that why he is so upset*? I kept asking myself questions trying to figure out what was wrong with Kakarot, I suddenly remembered that Kakarot hadn't rang me from his cell phone he had called me from Roshi's cell phone. I began to worry even more. Just then Kakarot touched down outside my window on the porch he then used instant transmission and was now standing about a meter away from me "hello Kakarot" "hey Vegeta" he said. I could tell that he was going to cry I reached out to him and he threw himself into my arms and began sobbing into my bare chest "Ka...Kakarot wh...what's wrong" I asked he pulled away and took his shirt off showing me the bandages on his back I stood there in complete shock as he unwound the bandages and showed me the angry red lash marks on his back and I felt my rage building "WHO DID THIS KAKAROT" I yelled with rage and embraced him in a tight but gentle cuddle "Chi....chi d...did" was all Kakarot could stutter out before he began sobbing again. My body went ridged, my rage the only thing I was feeling *HOW DARE THAT HARPY HURT MY KAKAROT LIKE THIS?* I screamed in my head. "BULMA" I hollered.


"BULMA" I heard Vegeta shout my name. I ran to his room Vegeta sounded worried and pissed off beyond belief. I got to his bedroom door and walked in only to stop in my tracks at the sight of Goku's back covered in whip lashes and his sobbing, shaking form in Vegeta's arms.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM"? I asked Vegeta "it was that harpy ChiChi I'm going to kill her for what she has done to Kakarot" Vegeta spat.


After the words had left my mouth I felt Kakarot cuddle closer to me, he muttered something only just loud enough for me to hear
"I ..... love .... you .... Vegeta" his face was already puffy and red from his tears but I could tell that he was blushing , I felt my cheeks growing hot, * DAMNIT I'M BLUSHING*.

End chapter one

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