Bulma's accident

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Authors note

Hello my lovely little readers,
I would like to thank you all for reading this fanfic and hope you are enjoying it.
Sorry for slow update (damn writers block).

Without further delay here we go.


I woke up with Kakarot cuddled into my chest,
I smiled as I looked at his beautiful face. He looked so peaceful while he's asleep and I didn't want to wake him up. Next thing I here a loud explosion come from the woman's lab.
"That damn woman" I muttered under my breath, Kakarot woke with a soft whine "what the hell was that"? He asked still half asleep "the damn woman must be working on a new invention" I growled.


The invention I was working on suddenly exploded throwing me across my lab and slamming me against the wall knocking me unconscious.


I sensed that Bulma had been injured and I looked at Vegeta his face expressing the same concern mine was "BULMA" we both shouted in unison as I IT'd us into her lab "Bulma"? I said tears beginning to form I gently picked her up and placed her on the examination table so Vegeta could check her over to make sure she was alright "is she alright"? I asked "she is fine, she has been knocked unconscious" he answered, and at that moment Bulma's eyes began to flutter open and she groaned in pain "what happened Bulma"? I asked her "Who are you"? She replied. I looked at Vegeta confused and he shared my look of confusion.


I looked at Bulma then back to Kakarot, he was shocked, I reached my hand out towards Bulma to comfort her "DON'T TOUCH ME"! she screamed "Bulma calm down, I want to help you" "I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT GET AWAY FROM ME" she shouted, then Kakarot gently placed a hand on her shoulder and spoke calmly "it's ok Bulma, my name is Goku and that's Vegeta, were friends and we want to help" "o..ok" Bulma answered "ok Bulma does your head hurt in any particular area" I asked and she nodded and placed her hand gently over the spot where the pain was "looks like we need to get you to the hospital Bulma" she nodded and let Kakarot pick her up and he IT'd us all to the hospital and we explained what had happened to Bulma and that she was suffering from amnesia, the nurse called for the doctor and soon Bulma was taken in for a CT scan to check that her skull was intact.

2 hrs later


A long time after the doctor took Bulma for her tests he came and called us in to see her and tell us what was happening "Bulma is suffering from temporary memory loss, we don't know how long it will last but if you have and pictures or home videos that may help her regain her memories quicker" "oh yeah we have tons of pictures and home videos" I said "is Bulma awake"? Vegeta asked gruffly "yes Bulma is awake and asking for the both of you".


I was resting in my hospital bed in the short stay ward when the doctor brought in the two guys who brang me to the hospital "he Bulma, how are you feeling"? asked the one dressed in orange and blue "I'm feeling a little better now, thank you for helping me uh" I forgot his name "Goku" he said automatically "and this is Vegeta, he helped to" "thank you both".

Authors note

Wow things are getting complicated.
Will Bulma regain her memory?
How will Goku and Vegeta help Bulma?
Find out in the next chapter.

Thank you again to my lovely little readers
I really hope you enjoyed this chapter
I'm sorry for late updates
Well let's hope that my update speed gets better

See ya next time

Ha ha lovely 666 words in total

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