Moving In

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I'm excited to be working on this fic again and hope you guys enjoy this chapter also check out my Kyman fic.
Ok here we go.


I awoke tangled in Tarble's arms his legs wrapped around my waist loosely, I smiled as I looked at his beautiful face and thought *how did I become so lucky to have found him*.
Tarble muttered something then let go of me as he rolled over and he shot up eyes wide as he looked down at his body and realised that he was still naked and covered in the aftermath of our little love session he covered himself with his hands then looked over at Kakarot and Vegeta. At least they had managed to get there clothes back on, "hey Tarble" I said in a sexy voice "Tur-turles we-were naked" he said slightly shocked "here are your clothes" I said as I tossed his clothes at him "thanks" he said "oh and we are gonna need to find a place to bathe" I said as I eyed his body and licked my lips.


I woke up to find that we were outside , I jumped up and turned to see Kaka rubbing his eyes "morning Geta" he said yawning "good morning Kaka" I said as I looked over to see that Tarble and Turles were walking towards the forest "there gonna get lost on there own" I said as I mentally facepalmed "we'll come on Geta let's show them where the lake is" Kaka said as he got up walking over to me grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him "Kaka slow down" I said "oops sorry Geta" he said as he slowed down a little "HEY TURLES, TARBLE WAIT UP" he hollered "Ok Kakarot" Turles answered we caught up and showed them the way to the lake so that we could all bathe.


I was looking at the lake in awe it was beautiful I had never seen anything like it, Turles tackled me and lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the edge of the water "AHH TURLES WHAT ARE YOU DOING"? I squealed "well you'll see" he said sexily and jumped into the water with me in his arms "AH ITS COLD" I yelled I had never been swimming in water this cold before
"It gets better when you move around" Turles practically purred "here I'll help you" he said as he let go of me and held my hand "see not so cold now is it"? "It feels a little warmer now" I said "let's have some fun" he said as he pulled me a little further into the water and stopped he splashed me and I giggled as I splashed him back.


I was watching Turles and Tarble having a splash fight in the water and I really wanted to have fun with Geta so I walked over to him and picked him up walked over to him he edge of the water and began walking into the water "KAKA WHAT ARE YOU DOING"? yelled Geta I chuckled "were going for a swim silly" I said
"OH NO NO NO I DON'T.." Geta was cut off when We heard a loud explosion "that came from Capsule Corp" I said and we looked at each other "BULMA" we shouted in unison as we took off out of the water still clothed Tarble and Turles followed behind closely.


"ARGH KAMI DAMN IT NOT AGAIN" I screamed as I got up and dusted myself off that's the second time this darn invention has done that just as I was about to fix my invention Goku and Vegeta burst through the lab door followed by two other Saiyans  that looked vaguely familiar "BULMA WHAT HAPPENED" Goku and Vegeta shouted at the same time "the invention exploded again" I said with a sigh "are you hurt" Goku walks over to examine me as did Vegeta "guys I'm ok I swear no injuries"I said and they both breathed a sigh of relief "who are these two" I asked "oh that's my brother Tarble and his mate Turles" Vegeta explained "nice to meet you Bulma"
Turles said as he bowed "it's a pleasure to meet you Bulma" Tarble said and bowed to "oh it's splendid to meet you both" I said.


"They don't have anywhere to stay" Kakarot said "oh you two can stay here if you like" Bulma said and showed them to a room I stood there not able to process what had just happened "hey you ok Geta"? Kaka asked "yeah I'm fine now come over here and kiss me you Baka" I said and he chuckled as he walked over and kissed me when we broke the kiss I opened my eyes and realised we weren't in the lab anymore Kaka had used instant transmission to take us to our room and he laid on the bed and began palming his crotch through his pants and it turned me on immensely when he lifted his shirt and began playing with his left nipple I growled and jumped on him and smashed our lips together as I began to grind against him he moaned into my mouth we broke the kiss and he panted "fuck me Geta" he said lustfully.

                             Authors Note
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