Four years later

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Hello hello,
3K reads WOOH,
I'm back again, sorry for not updating I've been pretty busy with my latest story "New Feelings"
Ok without further ado,
here we go,


damnit I've had it, Turles is pissing me off being so damn protective of Tarble, he fucking growls at me anytime I go near my little brother "FUCK YOU TURLES" I scream and Tarble looked at Turles "he is my brother Turles your just going to have to get used to him it's been four years since we came to earth and you still treat him like a threat" Tarble said angrily and Turles calmed down slightly still glaring at me, "hey Geta wanna train"? Kakarot said as he walked in "yeah sure" I said taking my mind off of Turles.


I know Tarble's right and I should stop being so damn overprotective "you know Vegeta is getting really tired of your aggressiveness Turles" Tarble said "I know I just can't help it my instincts are going haywire and I can't figure out why" I answered "well it may be due to the fact that I'm a beta and I'm close to going into heat" Tarble said "WHAT??" I said in shock I was standing there with a blank expression on my face when all of a sudden Tarble's scent hit my nose and it smelt different from his normal heat it was a very sweet scent and it made my mouth water.


I looked over at Turles he had been quite for a little while now then it hit me he has caught my scent "Turles?, are you ok?" I asked he looked at me and purred making me shiver "how about we go up to our bedroom and have some fun" he said winking at me, my face went three shades darker as I nodded and he walked over to me and swept me off my feet, he basically flew up the stairs to get to our room faster, he laid me down on the bed and began kissing me along my neck and jawline making me moan softly, he then pulled my shirt off along with his own, he played with my nipples while we kissed passionately for awhile, his hand then slowly trailed down my body to my cock and he began palming and groping me through my pants, I moaned loudly "AH TURLES, JUST FUCK ME ALREADY" I shouted and with that he pulled off the rest of my clothes and his, he lined his erection up with my entrance and thrust in with one movement "MNH AH TURLES" I moaned as he began to thrust slowly at first "AH HARDER TURLES" I moaned loudly, he went harder and faster hitting my prostate with every thrust making me see stars, I was a moaning mess and Turles was moaning and grunting with every thrust we were both nearing our climax "AH TURLES I'M GOING TO CUM" I moaned "ME TOO" he grunted, with ten more thrusts he came inside me as I painted our abdomens and chests with my release, he pulled out and lay beside me "that was amazing" he said "yeah it was" I puffed and snuggled up to him as we fell asleep.


ok so Vegeta and I weren't training after we walked out off capsule corp we took off into the forest and ended up playing tag, now we are in the middle of a heated make out session our bodies close together craving each other, "how about we take off our clothes and get closer Kakarot" Vegeta purred "hell yes" I answered pulling my shirt off along with my wrist weights, my boots, pants and my underwear my erection flinging up and slapping my lower abdomen, Vegeta as also completely naked as he crawled over to me purring as he planted his lips on mine while slowly entering me and thrusting softly "Mnh Vegeta, that feels good" I moaned and he began thrusting faster and harder "ah Kakarot you feel so good Mnh" Vegeta moaned as his thrusts got faster and sloppy, I was nearing my climax moaning his name and thrusting my hips to meet his thrusts " ah Kakarot I'm going to AHH" he moaned as he released inside of me my walls clamping around his length as he rode out his climax i released onto the ground below me, he pulled out and panted "damn that was good" I said "oh yes I am pretty damn good aren't I" he said cockily I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him and said "yes you are" I nuzzled into his chest and fell asleep "I love you baka" he said "I love you to Geta" I said.

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Ok so sorry for really late update,
Also I apologise for the short ass chapter,
Let me know what you think in the comments below and don't forget to vote if you like this chapter. Ok im outta here so ttfn.

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