Bulma finds out

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Ok here we go Bulma finds out what her father is hiding from her.
Oh before we kick off this chapter is like to say that this book has hit over 560 reads.
Thanks to everyone who has been reading.
Now here we go.


It's been two weeks since I found out about Bulma's tumour and I still haven't told her she is beginning to become suspicious because I have been acting weird (well weirder than usual) "dad what's wrong"? "oh it's nothing dear I'm just a little tired that's all, I'm going to go lay down" "ok dad". I got to my room and sighed I have to tell her soon but I just can't bring myself to do it.


"Hmm, well that was weird, dad normally sleeps in his lab, I'm going to go look around to see if I can find out why he is acting so weird"
I walked out of the kitchen and down towards my dads lab and opened the door and stepped in and began carefully searching around until my eyes landed on a medical file with my name on it "hmm, I wonder what's in here?" I grabbed the file and opened it gently and looked through it until my eyes landed on an CT scan that was taken after my accident, I walked over to the light box on the wall and hung the scan image up and turned on the light box, I gasped at the image when the light came on "this cant be happening" I whispered "no no no, why didn't dad tell me" i had tears rolling down my cheeks when the lab door opened and the lights went on, it was Goku and Vegeta they must of sensed that I was upset and came to comfort me "Bulma what's wrong"? Goku said as he hugged me and Vegeta walked over and looked at the scan image "no, this can't be" he said "what's going on Bulma"? Goku asked softly "Bulma has a brain tumour Kakarot and looking at the size of it I'd say it's cancerous"
"WHAT? OH NO" Goku was crying at this point "why didn't your father tell you"? Vegeta asked sounding angry then my dad walked in and all eyes were on him.


I walked through the open door into my lab and saw three figures standing near the light box the three figures were Goku Vegeta and Bulma, Bulma was cradled in Goku's arms protectively "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL HER" Vegeta yelled walking towards me "I-i couldn't bring myself to tell her" I spoke "THATS ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT, YOU SHOULD OF TOLD HER THEN SECOND YOH FOUND OUT , HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING THIS FROM HER"? Vegeta roared "two weeks" I hung my head in shame "TWO WEEKS YOU KEPT THIS FROM HER FOR TWO WEEKS, YOU FUCKER DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW PISSED I AM AT YOU I WANT TO RIP YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF BUT I WON'T HURT BULMA BY DOING THAT" It was Goku's turn to scream at me now and then in the quietest voice I have heard Bulma use she asked "how long do I have left"?
I paled and said "twelve months" her face twisted from fear to shock and then to pure sadness "I-i can't believe I only have a year left to live" Bulma began to cry.


I was really fucking pissed of at Bulma's dad and had to take Bulma out of the lab so that I could calm her down and then calm myself down "hey Bulma it's ok" I said in a soft tone
"No Goku it's not I'm only thirty eight years old and I'm going to die before I turn forty it's not fair Goku" Bulma sobbed then Vegeta walked in I could tell by the look in his eyes he had a plan "Bulma I have a plan, you might not like it but it will work" he said "what is it"? Bulma asked "if Kakarot or myself kill you we can wish  for shenron to remove the tumour and revive you" Vegeta said "wow Vegeta that's actually a good plan" I said Bulma was dumbfounded "it sounds like a long shot but let's give it a go" Bulma answered.

                            Authors note
Ok so I know that most of you guys would of got pissed off with the filler chapters I finally had an idea so Vegeta has a plan and is going to put it into action in the next chapter.

Also go follow VegetaOujisama
For some awesome reads.
Thank you to all of my readers.
I hope you like this chapter.

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