Where are you?

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                            AUTHORS NOTE
Ok back at it again,
Apologies for the hiatus,
Life drama and family stuff,
Ok let's get into it.


"Damnit Kakarot where are you?" I kept mumbling as I was flying towards the last place I felt his ki before it disappeared, I kept flying faster and faster until I reached the spot "huh a lake, I wonder" I thought aloud as I stared to check every where, I checked every tree, bush and cave then it clicked "if Kakarot didn't want to be found he most likely is under the surface of the lake in an air pocket, I dove into the lake and searched each air pocket one at a time until I found him "kaka there you are, are you ok?" I said softly he didn't answer so I just sat quietly with him. It took a few hours before Kakarot lifted his head to meet my worried gaze "why are you here?" Kakarot asked I winced at the sorrow filled tone in his voice "I was worried about you" I said "well don't" he said as he vanished again,
"Kami damnit Kakarot this is getting old real fucking fast" I sighed and tried sensing his ki when I couldn't find it I panicked and went to the lookout.


I was in shock at what had just happened with Goku he has never held such hatred in his heart before, I sensed Vegeta's ki approaching the lookout so I turned my attention to him as he landed "Dende please tell me you know where he is" Vegeta said beyond worried he was beside himself "hold on a few minutes and I'll see if I can find him" I answered and began searching for him, a few minutes went by with no luck "I'm sorry Vegeta I haven't been able to find him, I've never known Goku to hold hatred in his heart like he is right now, could this be something to do with his Saiyan memory returning?" I said "holly fucking shit, if that's happening I kneed to be with him" Vegeta said grabbing his hair and tugging at it, suddenly King Kai's voice was washing over the both of us "Goku is with me he seems very different from his normal happy go lucky self, did something happen?" King Kai asked "he killed Yamcha" Vegeta said calming down slightly know knowing Goku's location "WHAT?" King Kai yelled "yes it's true, Goku is holding hatred in his heart I fear his Saiyan memory is returning" I said "oh dear that's not good" King Kai said "no fucking shit" Vegeta said
"I have an idea to try and get Goku to come back" I said "what is it?" Vegeta asked "it involes getting Whis to help" I said "I'll call Bulma" Vegeta said pulling out his cell.


I was pacing back and forth worried about Goku when my cell rang, I pulled it from my pocket to check who was calling then answered it "Vegeta what's going on you've been gone for hours?" I asked "Kakarot has instant transmissioned to king Kai's place and Dende is concerned that after Kakarot killed Yamcha that his Saiyan memories are returning, I want you to get Whis's attention and fill him in on what's happening and tell him to meet me at the lookout ASAP" Vegeta said "ok I'll do that right now" I said then hung up and grabbed the ice cream Sunday out of the freezer and walked outside "OH WHIS LOOK WHAT I HAVE FOR YOU" I spoke loudly and within a matter of minutes Whis appeared "oh Bulma is looks delicious" he said as he scooped up some and ate it "OH IT IS DELIGHTFUL" he said "ok Whis we have a situation" I said "Oh yes I know I was watching and was actually already on my way here" he said scooping up some more ice cream "Vegeta wants you to go to the lookout pronto mister" I said picking up the bowl and putting it back in the freezer "you can finish the rest after you get back" I said "right, I'll be on my way then, goodbye Bulma" he said then bowed as he vanished.


mnh I wonder what's really going on with Goku, i though to myself as I arrived at the lookout "come now Vegeta we must get to King Kai as quickly as we can" I said, I watched Vegeta rush over and place his hand on my shoulder "right here we go" I said as we vanished, we arrived at King Kai's world and I walked over to Goku "Goku are you ok?" I asked he didn't answer "Goku if you don't answer me I'm afraid I'll have to take you to lord Beerus" I said he flinched but still didn't answer I felt Vegeta's and on my shoulder again so I gently placed my hand on Goku's shoulder and before he could react I temporarily disabled his instant transmission, we arrived on lord Beerus's world and he instantly noticed something was up "Goku what's wrong" Beerus asked walking over and Goku threw himself into lord Beerus's arms before he could react "are you ok Goku" Beerus asked "no" Goku answered.


I looked up at Whis and Vegeta both of them understood and left "now tell me Goku what's going on with you" I said softly "I killed one of my friends a person I vowed I'd protect when I was younger" he sobbed "Yamcha was a very bad person Goku" I said "I know but this feeling inside me is not guilt it's hatred towards humans, I'm scared Beerus" he said "of your Saiyan memories and instincts returning to you?" I asked Goku nodded "well we will see what Whis can help with" I said "ok" Goku said wiping his tear stained cheeks, I called Whis and Vegeta back over "Vegeta comfort Goku, Whis we need to talk" I said getting up as Vegeta walked over and hugged Goku, I watched pained as Goku clung tightly onto Vegeta and buried his face in Vegeta's neck, "Whis what can you do about Goku's Saiyan memories, can they be removed?" I asked "mnh I cannot remove them entirely however I should be able to lock them away again" Whis said "let's do it as quickly as possible" I said "alright" said Whis, we walked back over to Goku and Vegeta, "Goku" Whis spoke Goku looked up at Whis "I'm going to lock your Saiyan memories away again ok to prevent anything serious from happening ok" Whis informed Goku simply nodded "ok this will only take a minute" Whis said waving his staff.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter,

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