The search for the dragon balls

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OMG 700 reads I'm so stoked you guys are awesome, here is a Halloween themed you rock.

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Ok now on with the story,
Will Vegeta's plan work ?
Read and find out.


"It sounds like a long shot but let's try it" I said with a hint of hope in my voice "ok so we will have to collect the dragon balls first before we do anything else" Vegeta said "well then you too get going and find those dragon balls" I said "ok we're going now Bulma we will see you in about a week" Goku said before he grabbed the dragon radar and left with Vegeta.


I was really anxious to get the dragon balls as quickly as possible and return to help Bulma
"Kakarot are you ok?" Vegeta asked he must have sensed my anxiety about the situation "yeah I'm fine Vegeta" I smiled and gave him the classic Son smile and he chuckled as he walked towards me "Kakarot I'm here if you want to talk ok" he said he then pressed his lips to mine in a chaste kiss *Kami I missed your lips* I said through our bond *i missed yours aswell kaka but we have to focus ok* he pulled away and spoke aloud "come on let's find the first ball ok" "yeah let's get going".


Kami I missed my kaka's lips we haven't shared a kiss since Bulma found out that she had the tumour we were so focused on helping her that we put our sexual desires aside so we could completely focus on fixing the situation quickly
"HEY VEGETA I FOUND THE FIRST BALL" Kakarot shouted I flew over to him and he handed me the four star ball to place in the bag "wow of all seven dragon balls it had to be the four star ball" he said grinning "hm, yes indeed well done Kaka" I said "look the next ball is twenty miles south of here" he said showing me the radar "let's go".


It's been seven hours since they left I wonder how there doing so far "with Goku's luck they have probably found two balls already" my mum walked in "hello dear, I brought you some tea and cakes" she said sweetly "thanks mum that's just what I need right now" I smiled and picked up a cake and bit into it.


we had just arrived at the spot where the second ball was located and began searching,
I saw a glint in the grass just in front of me and I reached out towards it "HEY KAKA I FOUND THE SEVEN STAR BALL" I yelled " YAY GOOD WORK GETA" he yelled back and flew over to me and kissed my forehead "where is the next ball?" I asked him "the radar says that it's about two hundred and fifty miles outside of west city" he said "ok let's go Kaka" "ok Geta". It's been seven hours and we have three balls now the four star, the seven star and the six star "ok Geta the fourth ball is at the bottom of that lake" he gave me a blank look and handed me the radar "hold the radar I'm going in" he flew down to the water and dived in with his clothes on, about twenty minutes later I was getting worried because he hadn't resurfaced yet I knew he was a good swimmer another five minutes past and he finally surfaced with five star dragon ball in hand " hey Geta I got it" he said puffing "well done Kaka" the radar beeped and I looked at it the fifth ball was close by so I looked in the direction of were the signal was coming from "the next ball is ten miles east, let's get it and rest for the night ok Kaka" "ok Geta" and we took off to get the fifth ball, ten minutes later we had the three star ball, it's been three days no rest so far in our search "ok let's rest now Geta" "yes indeed Kaka" I said and gave him a goodnight kiss and snuggled up to him with my head on his chest "night Geta I love you" "Good night Kaka I love you too".


Ok we only have the two star ball and the one star ball left to find I rolled over to face Geta but instead of cuddling up to him I screamed and jumped away from him because there was a massive brown spider in his hair, my panicked scream woke him up and he immediately made a move to get to me not realising that the spider was in his hair until I ran from him screaming "AGGGGHHHHH THERE IS A GIANT SPIDER IN YOU HAIR GETA" I turned and saw Geta's face and nearly doubled over when I saw his facial expression "DAMN SPIDER GET OUTTA MY HAIR" he yelled at it and shook his hair and whacked at it with his hands until the spider jumped out of his hair and landed on the ground and looked up at him " HOW DARE YOU SCARE MY MATE AND TRY TO NEST IN MY HAIR" he roared at the spider and disintegrated it with a Ki blast "it's ok now Kaka the spider is gone" he said sweetly and softly to calm me down "sorry that I woke you up Geta" "it's fine Kaka" he walked towards my and hugged me "come on let's get those last two balls" "there real close Geta it won't take long to get them". Two hours later we had all seven dragon balls and I used instant transmission to get us back to capsule corp.

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Ok so Goku and Vegeta have all seven dragon balls, what will happen next?, find out in the next chapter.

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