Nine months later

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                        AUTHORS NOTE

Picture above is what the cubs look like,
The picture is owned by Vee-freak over on deviantart,
Ok, sorry for slow update,
Last chapter was kinda steamy,
Ok nine months have past and Goku is due to give birth,
Omg I'm super excited,
So without further ado here we go,


I was relaxing in the sun my belly fully swollen I'm due to give birth soon, I can't wait I'm so excited Vegeta and I have already picked out names for the cubs, my last ultrasound that Bulma done she said that there was a girl and a boy, were calling our little girl Gene after my mother and our little boy were going to call Goja, I suddenly feel a sharp pain rip across my abdomen and I scream "VEGETA" Vegeta came running at full speed "what happened Kakarot"? "It's time" I say and Vegeta nods and picks me up to carry me to Bulma's lab "BULMA KAKAROT NEEDS YOU" he screams and Bulma comes running in "ok Goku I need you to relax and breath ok" Bulma said "ok" I say nodding and I relax, Vegeta is right beside me trying to distract me from the needle Bulma is about to stick in my arm "AHHHH NEEDLE" I scream, Vegeta grabs my face and kisses me while Bulma sticks the needle in my arm, Vegeta pulls away "you big baby, it's just a tiny little needle" he said "they hurt" I said pouting, Vegeta chuckled and grabbed my hand "ok Goku you need to breath" Bulma said as she started the C-section operation so I could birth the cubs successfully, about ten minutes later I hear my first borns cry and my heart swells as my eyes fill with tears of joy, Bulma handed me my first born after cleaning and wrapping him in a blue blanket "hey there Goja" I said softly "ok Goku here comes Gene I kneed you to push ok" Bulma said, five minutes pass and I here Gene cry as Bulma cleans her and wraps her in a pink blanket and hands her to me after I handed Goja to Vegeta "hello sweetheart" I said as Gene giggled "look Geta she is our little princess" I chuckled "yes indeed don't forget our little prince" he said "never" I answered.


After the C-section was complete, And Bulma had Kakarot's lower abdomen all stitched back together, Bulma wrapped some bandages over the stitches to keep them clean while I held Goja and Gene "hey how you feeling Kaka"? I asked "I feel a little sleepy but otherwise I'm ok" he answered "get some rest Kaka I'll look after the twins ok" I said "oh thanks Geta" he said yawing. I took Goja and Gene up to the nursery and lay them in there double cot so they could sleep soundly, as soon as Goja's head hit the pillow he fell asleep along with Gene five minutes after "my beautiful princess and my handsome prince" I said to myself as I sat down in the rocking chair that had been placed by the cot.


Wow boy am I tired after helping Goku birth his beautiful cubs "oh I wonder how Goku is doing after resting, mnh maybe I should give Krillin a call to see if he has any senzu beans" I take my cell out of my lab coat pocket and call Krillin a few rings later "hello this is Krillin" he answered "hey Krillin it's Bulma do you have any senzu beans"? I ask "sorry I ran out a week ago" he said "WELL GO GET MORE GOKU NEEDS ONE NOW KRILLIN" I screamed "ok Bulma I'm heading to Korin's tower now" he said as he hung up.


"Ah crap" I said after I hung up "HEY EIGHTEEN I'M HEADING TO BULMA'S OK" I yelled "OK DO YOU WANT ME TO COME WITH YOU"? Eighteen yelled back "UH IF YOU WANNA SURE" I yelled she ran into the room "cool I haven't seen Bulma in a while" she said "ok I just have to head over to Korin's tower to get some senzus for Goku" I said "I'll get them for you if you want" Eighteen said "well gee thanks babe" I said "ok see you at Bulma's" Eighteen said as she took off "she is a lot faster than I am, she'll be at Korin's  tower by the time i get to Bulma's" I said to myself as I took off towards Bulma's.


I took off towards Korin's tower, I should be there in about thirty minutes, I kept flying until the tower came into view, "ah finally, now to get the senzus, get to Bulma's and help Goku" I said as I flew up along side the tower until I got to Korin's lookout just below Kami's lookout "hello Korin are you here"? I asked and a short chubby man with long black hair appeared "Korin's not here, what do you want"? He said rudely "ah Yajirobe, do you have any senzus"? I asked "oh yeah sure, here you can have them" he said tossing the bag towards me "thanks Yajirobe" I said as I flew out of Korin's lookout and took off full speed towards Capsule corp.


I was pacing back and forth waiting for Krillin to get here, he showed up and said that Eighteen went to get the beans knowing she would be quicker getting them, twenty minutes later Eighteen touched down and knock gently on the front door, I went and let her in "hey Eighteen how have you been"? I asked "yeah I've been good" she answered "did you get the beans"? I asked "sure did" she answered "alright let's go fix Goku up" I said "I wanna see the cubs" Eighteen squealed as we walked towards the med bay where Goku was "there in the nursery with Vegeta" I said "ok" she answered "Goku will take you up and show you" I said.

                             Authors Note
Ok this chapter is doneskis,
Apologises for the slow update,
I'm so fucking tiered,
I had insomnia last night and didn't realise that it was 2:30am before I went to bed,
I've also been reading some fics for some inspiration and I gotta say I've got a few ideas for this story yet to come,
Let's just have fun with this,
Ok guys I'm outtie,

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