Chapter 19: Hidden

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Yea but it's whatever. I guess I deserved it


"Andi look at me." Danielle said. Andi turned towards her but couldn't bare to look at her. Dani tried to grab the teenagers hand but Andi moved it making Danielle sigh. "Look at me." She said again a little more firmly. Andi finally meet her eyes with blondes blue eyes.

"Even though you guys are young and all no one ever deserves to get treated like that. I don't care if y'all were 4 years old or 40 years old. That's just wrong and no you didn't deserve it. Don't ever blame yourself for someone's actions, ok. You did nothing wrong, well not that I know of, but everything she did she chose to do. I don't wanna see you beating yourself up over this. Now let's go get ice cream and then go home."

Andi nodded and so they found the nearest grocery store and went to get ice cream. Andi didn't really want to get out the car so Dani went for her. While she stayed in the car, Andi quietly cried to herself, burying her head in between her legs as she pulled them up in the seat.

"Why does everyone hate me?" She asked herself. "Like all I do is try to be nice to them but I guess it's not enough." She sniffled. "Maybe I should stop being nice. Or just stop talking to people in general." As soon as she said that last sentence her phone lit up with a message from Drew.


Hey Ands?
Are you ok??
Wait don't answer that. I know your not ok but I don't want you to fill like you alone. Because your not. I'm always here for you Ands, ok? Please text back when you see this. Pretty pls? :(

Andi felt herself smile and feel this overwhelming sense of happiness and comfort as she read the message. Soon Dani had came back from inside the store and she wiped her tears to unlock the door. "Everything alright?" Dani asked as she placed the bags in the back.
Ands nodded and then quickly sent a message back to Drew.

Hey D, I'm fine. Thank you for checking in. I'll text you tomorrow. Nighty night :)

Nighty night :)

The two drove home in a comfortable silence, watching as the rain tended to fall every now and then. Even cracking a little smile and laugh here and there. When the two finally got home, Stefania was sitting on the couch with Mason asleep in her arms. "Hey bambina, how was the game?" She asked.

Andi sighed and felt her eyes water up again. " was good." She forced out herself.
"Andi?" Danielle questioned. Raising an eyebrow.
"What?!" She exclaimed and chuckled nervously. "Well I mean besides the fact that we caught Sophie cheating but other than that you know it was fine." She said all in one breath and then took off upstairs. "IMMA TAKE A SHOWER!" She yelled from the top and then went and

Stefania looked at Danielle confusingly as she held the boy in the her arms. Danielle sighed and went to put the food away before sitting beside her wife. "Everything alright bella?" Stefania asked as she rubbed the blondes back.
"With me?" Danielle questioned.
"No with Andi. Is everything alright with her?"
"Oh. No. Apparently Sophie cheated at the game and I guess she's acting like it didn't happen."
"When I get my hands on-"
"Stefania!!" Danielle exclaimed.
"I mean we should be here for Andi. She's gonna shut us out and I don't want that to happen."
"Mhm I know." Danielle ran her hands through her hair before getting up to go put the boy in his crib. She grabbed him from Stefania's arms, in which made the Italian pout a little bit.
"Why that face?" Danielle chuckled.
"I want my Mason cuddles. He never cuddles me."
"Tomorrow my love. It's almost 10. One more kiss." Danielle said and then leaned down to allow Stefania to kiss his temple. "Good night bambini." She whispered and Dani made her way upstairs.

After laying the toddler down in his room, Dani walked quietly by the teenagers room. She heard soft mumbles and cries from the outside. She sighed and knocked on the door. "Andi, bubs you ok?"
"Yes I'm fine." She yelled back from the opposite side of the door.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm fine."

Stefania came up behind the blonde which scared her a little bit. Stefania rubbed her back before walking into their bedroom. Danielle followed behind her and they both went to bed for the night.

After hearing her parents go to bed for the night, Andi snuck downstairs into the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of water and an Advil for the pressure headache in her head. She sat down at the island for a couple minutes and just listened to the silence as she rested her head for a minute. Before going back upstairs, she cleaned up her mess and turned off the lights.

When Andi got upstairs, she turned off her lights and everything before crawling into her bed. She got her AirPods and connected them to her phone. She turned on one of her Spotify playlist, and put her phone on airplane mode. Getting comfortable in her bed, she bundled up with blankets and just let the music play as she felt the tears fall down her face, drifting off to sleep.

A/N: I know it's short and I'm sorry for that. But I will try to update another chapter later this week along with an os, and hopefully a new chapter of Learning to Try Again. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this and let me know what you think in the comments. :) - Shay <3

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