i: man with fantastic hair

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  —A suit-clad man entered a little coffee shop in Manhattan, New York, to clear his head and possibly begin a new life there

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  A suit-clad man entered a little coffee shop in Manhattan, New York, to clear his head and possibly begin a new life there.

  He began to ruminate as he took a seat and placed his coffee order.

  To him, life was a waste of time. His entire family has vanished, leaving only his brother, who was the sole reason for his siblings' disappearance. His brother always found a method to sabotage all of his efforts to bring his family back together.

  His thoughts were interrupted when a woman with black hair and the most stunning blue eyes he had ever seen walked in. She was stunning, breathtakingly beautiful.

  "Hey, John?" She inquired. To the untrained ear, her voice appears to be ordinary. But she sounded to him like a siren calling out to sailors in the storm.

  "Can I get 2 coffees? One decaf," she explained to the barista.

  She was looking around the coffee shop to see who else was there when she noticed him.

  A man wearing a suit who seemed to be in thought.

  "Hey," she called out to John, who was preparing her orders. He looked up, his brows furrowed. "Who's that guy in the suit?" She inquired.

  He shrugged as he peered in the direction of the man, "I'm not sure. You know I don't have a whole conversation with random ass people. But he comes here on Thursdays. Brenda told me that."

  The girl returned John a disappointed look and said, "Oh well, he's cute. And he has fantastic hair."

  Her words provoke a soft chuckle from the man in suit. She looked at him, her face flushed with surprise because she didn't realise he could hear her.

  "Anyways, who's the decaf for? Is there a new interesting person in dear Julie's life?" John teased while handing her the coffee cup.

  Both were unaware that the man in the suit was paying close attention to this topic. The man didn't even know why he did this.

  Julie laughed at his words and simply replied, "What do you think? Quinn gets the decaf."

  "So she's back in New York?" He asked in interest.

  "Yep, but she'll be leaving again soon. You know that she only comes to visit," she responded. "I have to go. Thank you. I'll see you tonight," she finally said and walked away.

  Soon after, the man in the suit approached the barista and paid for his coffee.

  "Hey, uh, my friend thinks you have nice hair," John admitted hesitantly.

  "I'm glad your friend likes it. Thank him or her for me," he said then exited the coffee shop.

  He was certain he would never see the beautiful woman again, but he looked around the shop in the hopes that she was somewhere nearby. After a while of looking around, he went for a walk around the park.



What do you think so far? It's not going to be a slow burn nor is Julie going to be a supernatural creature. I just want a story where it's peaceful and no drama. Boring right? Well I'm a pretty boring person.

How would you like Julie's ending to be happy or sad? I'm very curious.

Sooo comment your thoughts.
Much love from me : ))

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