vi: Carter and an old flame

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  —"So, Elijah

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  "So, Elijah...what brought you and our favourite girl here together?" Carter inquired while Morgan was passed out and being escorted to a guest room by Julie.

  "We met at a café," he admitted awkwardly.

  "Was it 'Vesars Café'?" She questioned once more, knowing that Julie frequented that location because John worked there.

  "Yes, it was," he simply replied.

  Julie finally emerged from the room after what seemed like hours and happily informed them, "He's all tucked in. I swear to God, that guy is becoming more unstable by the day."

  "Oh, Kira, do you remember her?" Carter asked Julie, who nodded in response. "Well, she asked Morgan out, and he turned her down," she explained, as Julie looked at her in disbelief.

  "Kira? Heig?" Julie inquired. "You mean Kira Heig, who Morgan has always had a crush on?" Julie inquired once more, not believing a word her friend said.

  "Yep. Mmhm," Carter answered all her questions.

  Julie said to Elijah, who was feeling a little left out of their conversation, "Kira is a waitress from a restaurant. We used to go there whenever there was a reason to celebrate." Elijah nodded, still feeling a little awkward.

  "Let's change the topic. Carter and I met in college, and we've been friends ever since," with a smile, Julie told him.

  Carter continued, "Yeah. In our second year, you were always late because Anth-"

  "Let's not get into that right now. I'm pretty sure we're boring him," Julie said, chuckling nervously.

  Carter simply smiled at her friend and commented, "Well, seeing Professor Glinda mad was funny." Cater asked Elijah, who was looking at Julie, "so Elijah, what do you do?"

  He explained shortly, "I'm a historian."

  "What I meant was, what do you do in your spare time? Julie, for example, enjoys cooking and sculpting on occasion," she then looked at Julie, who looked at her with confusion on what the hell her friend was planning to do.

  Elijah laughed softly at Julie's expression before saying, "in my spare time, I enjoy reading. I'm currently reading 'Jane Eyre', a classic."

  "Wow, I didn't take you for a romance guy. But of course, it's so much more than just romance," Julie remarked.

  "You've read it?" Elijah inquired in curiosity.

  "Yeah, a friend let me borrow hers," she said, rubbing her neck.

  Carter excitedly said as he looked between them, "See what I mean? There's already so much in common."

  Julie apologised to Elijah, who returned her gaze with a smile as if to say, 'it's all right.'

  Elijah looked at the clock and realised he had to be somewhere else. "I must be off. I have a meeting with someone," he said as he took his coat and stood up. Julie followed him to the door, taking her hand in his, he asked, "I'll call you?"

  Julie smiled as she looked at him and nodded, "Yep. Now get going! We don't want you to be late for anything." And then he let go of her hand and shut the door.

  When Carter noticed that he had already left, she exclaimed, "Julie, very nice. The previous one was awful. Let's hope he's better than Anthony."

  Julie looked at her as she took a seat next to her friend and said, "You know, I feel this one's different from the others. Anthony wasn't all that bad either. The timing was simply off."

  "True, but he literally broke you. And if this Elijah fella does that, I will cut his dick off and feed it to the fish," she said this in a threatening tone.

  Julie laughed as she looked at Carter, "I believe Elijah is unique. It's cliche and all but I just...feel safe in his presence, you know? He acts as if he can protect me from anything. God! I sound like the silly girl who is so in love with a guy she just met in a movie."

  "Julie, you only met him about a month ago. Please be careful, okay? I only want you to be safe," Carter said as he took her hand in his.

  "I know, and I love you for it," Julie said as she looked her friend in the eyes.

  "Anything for my best girl," Carter added. Then she kissed her on the cheek and said, "I need to call Brenda. Go see how our sleeping beauty is doing." Then Julie did as instructed and went to check on Morgan.


I posted this one a lil late but mhmm. I have an exam next and no it's not the exam I said last week. They cancelled that one. This one's school exam. I don't fucking know anything. I'll just cheat it's online anyways.

I've already written how Julie will find out about the supernatural world and WHOO it's messy. Not the plot just the writting, it's messy.

*Also I changed the name from Philip to Anthony because Anthony Ramos is a scumbag*

As always, be very very kind to everyone especially yourself. Get in bed, eat loads of things and just stay there.

Please comments your thoughts on this chapter and I would really appreciate if you vote if you like the story🐷

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