xxi: his & her's

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  —They say when love comes, it comes suddenly

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  —They say when love comes, it comes suddenly. You never know when, where or how. It may take a short time for one, 26 years, while it may take a long time for the other, 1000 years.

  Julie and Elijah had been together for 5 years now. At first, they didn't think they would make it but together, they did. Just like other relationships, they had their ups and downs, but in the end, they would always be together no matter what.

  On that fine day of May 17 2004, Elijah had asked Julie's friends for advice.

  "Make a mixtape for her. She likes romantic music," with Amy nodding in agreement to John's advice.

  "I can't believe you're proposing," Brenda said, her hand on her chest.

  "Hopefully she says yes," Elijah said with a gentle smile.

  Morgan exclaimed as he walked through the window, "Our little Julie is all grown up."

  Carter responded, unimpressed, "I thought you were going to be gone all week."

  "Oh please, you know you can't get rid of me even if you tried," Morgan grumbled.

  Quinn shook her head and asked, "So when are you doing it?"

  "Tonight. I planned on treating her to a lovely supper and-"

  "Oh no, that's not how it's done!" Brenda cut off Elijah.

  "And how do you do that then?" Elijah inquired, raising an eyebrow.

  Brenda smirked and glanced around the room. "Allow me to handle all of the planning. Go ahead and choose a suit now," she remarked as she ushered him out.


  Julie's door was locked from the inside when she arrived home. When she called John to see if he had done anything, he just told her to knock. That was exactly what she did.

  When the door opened, she saw Elijah standing there with a smattering of candles, rose petals on the floor, and her favourite songs playing in the background.

  "What's all this?" She questioned with a smile and placed her belongings on the table.

  Elijah approached her and grasped her hands in his. He gently kissed them before returning his sight to her.

  "I have never met a person as kind, understanding, compassionate, and lovely on the inside and out as you in my 1000 years of life. You are the missing piece in my puzzle. I don't know who I would be without you," he said, smiling. Julie covered her mouth with her hand as he continued, "When I first got to New York, I was lost, believe it or not. I had lost my entire family, and the one brother I had remained lost in his own way; I couldn't assist him unless I first helped myself. I didn't know how to help myself, either. I came here to get away from my issues and find at least a small portion of what makes me joyful. Instead, I discovered everything I'd ever desired, the exact reason I cling to life. Without you I'm not whole, without you I'm missing half of me, without I feel broken and irreparable. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you and your beautiful smile."

  As he got down on one knee, Julie quietly chuckled. "Julie Harley Connor, will you marry me?" He asked.

  She couldn't believe what she was hearing. This man, who was everything she had hoped for, was down on one knee, asking for her hand in marriage. She'd longed for this day since she was a child. Be married to the man she loved dearly, have a couple of children. Even though the last one was not possible, she wasn't unhappy. She was with him and that was all that matters. With Elijah, her Elijah.

Her eyes welled up with tears and grin deepened as she replied, "Yes, Elijah whatever-your-middle-name-is Mikaelson. I will marry you!"

  He kissed her after putting the ring on her finger. She kissed him fiercely in return.

  He was thinking about how he was the luckiest and happiest man on the planet. He'd been charmed by her since the beginning. There's no going back now that he's got the girl. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Right now, his life was great. He was happy, his life with Julie was peaceful, and their connection was picturesque.

  His life was idyllic. With Julie, his Julie.



So they got married, whoooo!

The next chapter is the Mikaelson ball where Julie meets the family and all. Kinda like a epilogue pt2. This is epilogue pt1

So? Comment what you think. I'm not a person who's in touch with their emotions much so...

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