vii: fancy fancy

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  -Julie was walking around the school grounds when she was approached

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-Julie was walking around the school grounds when she was approached.

"Hello," the person said. Julie turned around so quickly because of that voice. At this point, she could recognise the enticing voice from anywhere, Elijah's.

"Hey. What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here. I do. Uh- what- what are you doing here?" She asked, trying not to embarrass herself further.

"I was uh in the neighbourhood and just wanted to come and see the school," Elijah explained, his jaw clenched. Even a human, let alone a vampire, could detect his lie.

"Yeah," Julie said, still unconvinced by what he said. "Do you want to go for a walk?" She inquired.

"Unfortunately, I can't, but I have a question for you," he said nervously, but well hidden. Elijah couldn't recall the last time he felt this nervous.

She's just a girl. Get yourself together, he told himself.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight," he said it as confidently as he could.

"Tonight?" Julie repeated what he had said.

"However, if you don't-"

"Yeah, I'd like that," she cut him off, smiling.

"Really?" He said he wasn't convinced, but quickly changed his mind and added, "Yes. It's an auction. It's not quite an auction, but it's close. I was invited and didn't want to go alone."

Julie paused for a moment before responding, "sure, I'd love to." Elijah smiled contentedly at her. "Oh, is it like 'fancy fancy' or just fancy?" she wondered, unsure how to dress.

Elijah chuckled at her words and movements before responding, "I suppose it's 'fancy fancy'. I have to leave, but I'll pick you up at 6?" Julie nodded and he continued, "Great! Have a wonderful day."

As he walked away, she replied with a grin. Julie's smile remained on her face throughout the day.


"This?" Carter asked, holding a lovely sage green gown.

"No, the colour does not correspond to the timing. Isn't it dinnertime? So we'll have to use some dark colours," Morgan chastised.

"If I had known he was going to be here, I wouldn't have come," Brenda muttered, prompting Morgan to hurl a pillow at her.

While Carter was still looking in the closet for a dress, John and Julie watched them, clearly amused by their friends' childish behaviour.

"So, you said it was 'fancy fancy,' right?" Carter, who was still rummaging through the closet, inquired.

"Yep," Julie said, flipping through the magazine.

"How long have you two been dating?" Morgan inquired, while Brenda raised an eyebrow in interest.

Julie raised her head from the magazine, chuckled nervously, and replied, "We're not really dating. Yes, we are, but we are not boyfriend and girlfriend, I think. We've been on a few dates, to be sure."

They were all confused at her words.

"So, how many dates have you gone to?" Morgan inquired again. While John raised his eyebrows in response to the question.

Julie reflected and responded, "If I said four, I'd be lying. 5." Carter cleared her throat, and Julie responded once more, throwing her hands in the air as if giving up and saying, "Okay. 7. We've been on seven dates with no success."

"Perhaps he's just gotten out of a serious relationship?" Brenda inquired, hopeful.

"No, he said he doesn't do much dating," Julie replied, returning to her magazine.

"Ah! I've found the perfect gown!" Carter exclaimed with glee.

Julie frantically looked at her friend and exclaimed, "Show me. He's supposed to come get me in two hours, and I still don't have shoes or a coat."

Carter then pulled out a stunning sleeveless red gown that reached the neck. It had a diamond-shaped hole in the middle of the chest and a slit on the back. (A/n whatever I'm bad at descriptions the dress will be down below)

"Oh, I know shoes that would go with the dress," Morgan said, pulling out a pair of simple but elegant black pencil heel shoes.

John turned to Julie and inquired, "So what? What do you think? They're kinda matching."

Julie was beaming as if she'd just won the lottery. "Oh my god, I forgot I had that dress," she exclaimed, putting her hands on her chest. "I love it," she said.

"Good, because if you don't, I was going to kill you," Morgan playfully said.

"Boys, it's my time to shine. I'll do her hair and makeup while Carter fixes her dress and shoes, there's not much to fix anyway," Brenda rambled as she sat Julie on the dressing table and began combing her hair. "I want you to look in the TV drawer for a black purse. Okay, don't ask me why there are purses in there, I have no idea. And then go into the other room to look for a coat. It shouldn't be too hot or too thin," as she clipped Julie's hair and began searching through the makeup drawer, she said. Brenda gave them a pointed look and scolded them when they didn't seem to move, "What are you fools doing still standing there? We have to get moving. Go! Go! Go! Wait! Don't get the purse, it won't look nice."

Morgan and John exited the room, a little scared of their friend, and began looking for their tasks. While the girls were in the other room, they were quietly laughing and gossiping about how they thought the date would go.



Our exams in 3 days and I haven't learn anything i- I'm gonna fail no doubt.

Anyways the next chapter is the longest chapter I've written and I think it will be out on the 15th (Friday)

Have a nice day or night and be nice to everyone. Let's face it, you ain't gonna meet no one jkjk

Please comments your thoughts and vote if you like the story 🌜🥂🌛

Please comments your thoughts and vote if you like the story 🌜🥂🌛

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The dress btw but you're free to imagine any dress you like. I just chose this cause she was already wearing it in the gif.

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