x: trouble starts

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  —It was a chilly day, as it was approaching winter

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  —It was a chilly day, as it was approaching winter. Julie was walking home when she was approached by a woman.

  "Do you happen to be Julie Connor?" She inquired. The woman had brown eyes and blonde hair. Her left hand was occupied by a bag.

  "Yes, that's me," Julie said softly.

  The woman gave a warm smile, "Good. I'm a friend of Elijah. He talks about you all the time. My name is Aneta Jones."

  She said, "Nice to meet you."

  "Do you want to come over? My place is only a few blocks away," she invited. She clutched the bag even tighter.

  Julie, suspicious and a little scared, responded,  "Oh, no. Uh, I should go."

  "Oh don't worry," the woman grinned. Julie's lips were covered with a napkin, which the woman brought up.

  She attempted to fight her off, but the lady appeared to have the strength of a hundred men. It didn't take long for her to stop attempting and close her eyes.


  Julie awoke with a loud gasp, causing everyone in the room to turn to face her. In the front, her hands were fastened.

  She was accompanied by four people. Three females and one male. First, Aneta Jones, whom she had previously met. The second was a curly brown haired woman with a fiery gaze. The third girl was a brunette with innocent-looking huge brown eyes. The last guy, a man with brown hair and a solemn demeanour.

  "Are you sure this is the right girl?" With judging eyes, the curly-haired girl inquired.

  The man groaned and said, "Yes, Katherine, for the hundredth time. I've seen them together a few times."

  Katherine responded, "She doesn't seem like his type."

  "What? Gorgeous, with her stunning blue eyes? What's not to like about that?" Aneta, the previous girl, stated.

  Julie was tied, so the other girl approached her and unfastened her. Before returning to her old location, she gave a sweet and reassuring smile.

  Katherine then walked over to the front door. "So, I'm off. You three have fun with her!" She exclaimed.

  "Hey, you came up with this!" Aneta yelled. Julie, the guy, and the girl were left alone after Aneta chased her down.

  Julie had a peek around the area. It was run-down, dusty, cramped, dark, and chilly. She had no idea she was bleeding until she noticed blood on her right leg.

  "She's in a bad state. Carlos, go help her," while walking out of the room, the girl insisted.

  Carlos rolled his eyes as he approached Julie and bit his wrist, which started to bleed. He extended his wrist for her to grab. He forced it into her mouth when she refused.

  She did as he said and got a metallic, foul taste in her mouth. When she looked down, she noticed that the wound on her leg had healed. She was shocked and perplexed, not knowing how he managed it. She assumed he was going to fetch a first-aid kit or something, not be healed by magical blood.

  "I'm not sure why Elijah likes you, despite your beauty. He prefers ladies who can take care of themselves," Katherine said as the women come back to the room.

  Aneta fixed her gaze on the girl, whose identity had yet to be revealed, and said, "Will you give him a call? I'd like to finish it quickly."

  And the girl walked away with her phone in hand.

  "I'm going to get somebody to eat," Katherine remarked as she rose up, making Julie confused. The three were then left alone.

  Carlos sat in a nearby chair, while Aneta worriedly gazed out the window.

  Julie couldn't help but ask, despite her fear, "Please, what do you want from me?"

  Both of them glanced at her. "All we want is our freedom," Aneta stated bluntly.


  Carlos pressed a knife at her throat before she could complete her sentence. "Shut up. We don't plan on answering any of your questions," he stated his case.

  Julie was well aware that if she didn't keep her lips shut, she would lose her head. And that was exactly what she did.



So I made a lil something cause I got bored and didn't wanna study... Still am not studying right now but whatever. Hope you like it. It's short ik.

This is basically how Julie will find out the supernatural world. I mean I wanted Elijah to tell her but I... I don't know. I guess this is more interesting¿

Anyways we're having our oral test tonight and I haven't learnt a thing. It's hindi 😓 and unfortunately I'm not very good at Hindi.

Vote if you liked it and comment your thoughts on this chapter. Don't be a silent reader.

Have a lovely day or night depends. Do good deed? And don't forget, if you found any mistakes, make sure to tell me.

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