v: invitations

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  —Few weeks after Elijah and Julie had their date, they had been seeing each other frequently ever since

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  —Few weeks after Elijah and Julie had their date, they had been seeing each other frequently ever since.

In the evening, Julie got a call when she was baking some cookies for the students. "Hello? This is Julie," she answered.

  "Hello Julie," the voice on the other end of the line said smoothly.

  "Elijah!" She responded cheerfully. "Hi," she added.

  "Hi," he said with a soft smile that Julie couldn't see. "I was wondering if you were free today," he said, his voice unsure.

  Julie had a broad grin on her face. "Really? I mean, I'm free. Could you come to my place? I need to prepare something for tomorrow," he exclaimed with glee.

  "You seem to be quite busy. Perhaps I shouldn't come," he responded.

  "No way. I'm not at all busy. It's uh, nothing special, just a little baking. It'll be a lot of fun!" She was adamant. "Please?" She went on to say

  "Alright. What is your address?" He inquired.

  "Oh right, it's at The West Village at 90 Bedford Street ," she replied.

  "Alright, I'll be there in 30 minutes," he said as he hung up the phone.


  There was a knock on her door exactly 30 minutes later.

  "Hey!" When Julie opened the door to see Elijah with a smile on his face, she exclaimed enthusiastically.

  "Hi," he said with a smile. "May I come in?" He inquired, his brow furrowed.

  "Yeah, come in," she said as she walked back to continue what she was doing at the time.

  When Elijah entered her home, he was struck by the small details that defined her personality. Like the small sculptures and numerous drawings by children on her fridge. Photographs of her family and friends. The aroma of freshly baked cookies

  "Oh, you can put your coat on the couch or something," she mumbled as she put something in the fridge.

  Elijah did as he was told and then looked at her with admiration in his eyes and a small smile on his face. She was stunningly beautiful. Despite her simple outfit and neatly clipped hair.

  She looked up to see him staring at her. She blushed then looked away.

  With a chuckle, she cleared her throat and said, "Why don't you sit? I'm almost done. You've been standing there for quite some time."

  He laughed at her words, but sat as she instructed. "Can you tell me what you are doing?" He inquired, intrigued.

  "Oh, it's for our school's 50th anniversary. The students perform an activity such as dancing, singing, acting, or other activities, and the teachers provide food, decorations, etcetera," with a smile, she explained.

  She finished quickly after saying those words and assisted in placing the sign that reads "HAPPY 50TH ANNIVERSARY!!!" With a variety of other decorations.

  When Elijah saw the sign, he softly chuckled, which made Julie smile.

  "The school's birthday?" With a dazed expression, he inquired.

  Julie laughed and stated, "Yes, we do it every year. I'm not sure why though. It's made by a student of mine," she paused for a moment, admiring the work, before asking, "do you want anything? Tea? Coffee? Cookie?"

  "No, thank you. It's completely fine," Elijah assured her.

  "So what-" Julie was about to finish her sentence when she heard a knock on her door.

  Julie and Elijah exchanged glances, one perplexed, the other softly chuckling at her expression.

  Julie proceeded to open the door, revealing her friends, Carter Vinla and Morgan Beesley.

  "Heyyyy!!" Morgan yelled, holding a bottle of liquor.

  "Hi?" Julie stated confusingly. Standing up from his seat, Elijah looked around to see who was at the door.

  "Sorry for arriving unannounced. Drunky here, decided it would be a good time to pay a visit to 'our favourite friend'," she used air quotes to express herself.

  Julie laughed at their manners and invited them in.

  "Oh, this is Elijah. Elijah, these are my friends, Morgan is the one who is about to vomit, and Carter is the one who is about to help him," she was the one who introduced them.

  "Perhaps I should leave," Elijah says as he nods at them and goes to grab his jacket.

  "No. We won't bother you two," Carter said this while assisting Morgan to the bathroom.

  Julie looked at Carter, then at Morgan, and finally at Elijah. "Yeah. It's all right. They're a lot of fun. You'll like them, promise," she said
as she took his jacket from him.

  Julie looked at Carter, then at Morgan, and finally at Elijah. "Yeah. It's all right. They're a lot of fun," she said this as she took his jacket from him.



Yes I know. I used where Monica's apartment building was. I didn't know what else to use so sorry.

The next chapter is like a part 2 but not exactly. Since the night's not finished. It'll be upload in a few days.

Also what do you think about the gifs? I really like them even though they don't exactly match.

As always, I would appreciate it if you comment about what you think and vote if you like the chapter or story. By-E

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