xix: secrets out

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  -Elijah was taken aback when he awoke the next morning to find Julie had left

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-Elijah was taken aback when he awoke the next morning to find Julie had left. She wasn't used to getting up before him. He simply shrugged off his uneasy feeling and walked to the kitchen to see if she was there. He became concerned when she wasn't there.

He dashed over to Amy's bedroom door and knocked. He knocked again when she didn't answer, and was greeted by a frizzy-haired Amy wearing a sleeping mask.

"Have you seen or know where your sister is?" He interrogated, hoping she would respond and acn settle down.

Amy unfortunately responded, "No. I thought you two had spent the night together. Or are you just playing with yourself."

"That is exactly what we did. She was gone when I woke up," With his hand running through his hair, Elijah explained.

Amy removed her mask off her face and remarked, "Maybe we should contact John or Carter's cell. Maybe they know."

Elijah agreed and quickly dialled John's number, while Amy dialled Carter's number.

Both John and Carter stated that they had not heard from her since last night and that they will be at the apartment shortly.

Elijah immediately called Quinn and asked her to go over to Julie's. Brenda and Morgan were also called by Carter, who told them to come to Julie's as well. He also summoned some of his vampires and ordered them to track down Klaus.

They sat in the living room when they had all arrived.

"What brings us here?" Quinn questioned, unconcerned. She had no idea why Julie wasn't there since it was her apartment.

"Julie's gone," Amy exhaled softly.

The information caused the other people's eyes to widen.

Quinn inquired swiftly, "What do you mean when you say she's gone? That-"

"We have no idea what's going on. Maybe she just needed a break?" Brenda said as she lowered her head.

Carter was eager to point out that she didn't agree "It's Julie, though. She'd notify Amy or leave a letter, at the very least," Brenda nodded as she stated.

"Klaus found me," Elijah said, looking at Quinn.

Quinn leapt to her feet and rested her hand on her brow. "No way! Klaus didn't take her!" She made an effort to persuade herself.

The others looked at them, confusion written in their faces at their interaction and John decided to ask, "Who's Klaus?"

Elijah understood he had to reveal his truth to them. "My brother," he answered, risking the common simple man he had put up.

"So Julie was kidnapped by your brother?" Morgan was the one who asked. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at Elijah.

Elijah and Quinn looked at each other, both deciding on what to do.

"Elijah and I, we're vampires," Quinn replied, sick of their queries.

Their jaws were opened. Carter and Amy both bursted out laughing. Morgan and Brenda exchanged whispers, as John fought to maintain his composure.

"You're insane. both of you-"

Quinn stopped him, "I know you're a werewolf John."

They were all looking at John at this point. Elijah's phone suddenly rang, and he rushed to the balcony to answer it as the others squabbled.

"Hello?" In a rush and with concern, he replied.

"Elijah, yes. He was spotted," was the response.

"Where?" With his teeth clenched, he inquired. He hung up after giving the vampire the address.

When he returned, he overheard Brenda remark, "Holy! You didn't think you could possibly keep this from us forever right?"

"I know where Klaus is. He'll most likely keep Julie as well," the others' attention was drawn to Elijah's statement.

John stood up and said, "Let's go then!" He tried to leave but was stopped by Quinn.

"No. Klaus is a tough enemy. Probably more powerful than the two of us put together. Stay here and explain all of this mystical crap to these knuckleheads," she gave him an order and set him down. "Come on," she said to Elijah as she walked out the door, followed by Elijah.

Elijah and Quinn went to the given address while John stayed in the flat with his friends and told them all about the monsters that lurk in the shadows.



I plan on making this chapter chaotic but then realised! I don't know shit about how to make a plot : ) just enjoy it as best as you can ig

So we're going to church tmr and I'm still a lil bit embarassed about the whole peeing situation

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