xxii: Mikaelson Ball

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  —Elijah had agreed to spend the rest of his undead life with the lady he loved deeply six years ago, and those six years had been the happiest of his life, packed with laughter, love, and other things

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  —Elijah had agreed to spend the rest of his undead life with the lady he loved deeply six years ago, and those six years had been the happiest of his life, packed with laughter, love, and other things.

  Elijah and his family were reunited after a long time in a coffin, and he couldn't wait for them to meet his wonderful wife.

  "Hello?" Julie answered the phone.

  Amy and John, her sister, had gotten together and had a darling little kid named Oscar, Brenda and David married soon after Oscar was born, and Carter and Morgan both found love. Carter's was Marina Carmo, and Morgan's was a man named Dave Syvill, who was David's mentee.

  Elijah smiled at her voice. He missed her. He hadn't seen her for nearly 2 years because of his brother. "Julie," he replied.

  Julie let out a gasp before replying, "Oh, my goodness! Elijah!"

  "Hello," he remarked with a smile, Kol, his other brother, giving him a puzzled look.

  "Where the hell have you been?" Julie inquired, her tone stern, which always makes him laugh.

  He said, "I'm finally with my family."

  Julie drew her brows together. "Are you serious?" she wondered.

  "Yes," he confirmed before adding, "And we're having a ball this evening, I'd like you to come."

  She knew she'd say yes since she missed him too much to turn down the chance to see him. "And you'll explain everything?" she groaned.

  With a grin on his face, Elijah replied, "I give you my word."


  People had already arrived, fearful of missing the family's ball, which had started 30 minutes earlier. Many guests approached Elijah to speak with him, and he politely answered their questions while waiting for a certain someone.

  Elijah's mouth dropped when Julie finally arrived.

  Klaus had noticed her as well, but not for the same reason as Elijah. He was under the assumption that she had died and that Elijah had married someone else.

  Elijah glanced at her, and she lit up his eyes. Most people could see it, including his siblings. He approached her as if she were the only one in the room. She acted as though she had just created the moon and stars.

  Klaus went to her first, before Elijah could.

  Julie was admiring the mansion when she noticed her least favourite person approaching her, which caused her to roll her eyes.

  "Hello, love," he murmured, grinning at her, which annoyed her further. While looking at her, he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

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