xvi: sooner rather than

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  —Amy moved in with Julie a little over three weeks ago

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  —Amy moved in with Julie a little over three weeks ago.

  When the doorbell rang, Julie was showing Amy how to build a dish out of clay.

  "Come in!" She shouted.

  When they didn't, she approached the door, only to be greeted by Elijah, who was holding a bouquet of flowers for her.

  "What's the celebration?" Julie questioned, laughing as she took the flowers and placed them in a vase.

  "If you'd like, I was hoping to take you out to dinner," he said, a slight smile on his face.

  Julie gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, nodded, and went to her room to change.

  Amy gave Elijah a careful look before replying, "My sister isn't known for having long-term relationships. Yes, she has a lot of relationships, but none of them last long."

  Elijah lifted his brows in response to the information and stepped back to allow her to continue.

  "Yeah. You shouldn't do anything because her last long relationship ended with the guy dumping her on New Year's Eve. I've also heard he cheated on her, but she stuck by him," as she stood up and washed her hands, she told him.

  "And who is this guy?" Elijah asked, intrigued and with a sick feeling in his gut.

  Amy laughed and jokingly replied, "Why do you wanna know? Jealous? Are you going to kill him?"

  Elijah only stared at her, uninterested, and she continued, "Anthony Mosby was his name. They were high school sweethearts. Everyone assumed they were going to marry."

  Julie stated as she emerged from her room, fully changed, "Now Amy, don't tell my boyfriend about my ex."

  She was dressed in a dark sleeveless dress. "Shall we?" Julie requested as he extended his hand to her, which she gladly accepted.

  "Bye!" Amy screamed to them.


  "I didn't date a lot of men! Amy is just lying," Julie stated as she lightly shoved Elijah.

  They decided to walk home once they completed dinner. Walks were their thing. When one of them felt irritated or stressed, the other would recommend going for a stroll, which always helped them relax. It was mostly Elijah who was worried and Julie who suggested the walk.

  "How about Anthony?" Elijah asked, laughing but not letting go of the situation," if you're okay with it, that is."

  Julie groaned and said, "Anthony, he was my first boyfriend. With him, I had all of my firsts. The first kiss, the first 'I love you', and everything else." She had a glimmer in her eyes and a smile on her face that could only mean she was reliving the memories.

  But her smile quickly turned into a frown as she continued, "Then came college, and there was this girl who was always interested in him. So, he cheated on me with her. I knew I should've broken up with him at the time, but the prospect of losing him was simply too much to take. I couldn't do it."

  She took a deep breath and added, "After he broke John's nose around 4 years ago, I ended up dumping him. We were together for maybe 5 years."

  Shortly after she concluded her story, they arrived at her home.

  "Thank you for telling me," Elijah said with a smile as they clasped hands.

  "I was going to tell you sooner rather than later anyways," Julie shrugged.

  "I was going to tell you sooner rather than later anyways," Julie shrugged

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  He kissed her as he leaned in close. At first, it was slow and gentle. Then it became intense. It quickly became more than just a simple, sweet kiss. His hands were on her lower back, and she was tussling his hair with hers. His kisses trailed down her neck.

  They arrived at the apartment and went straight to the bedroom to continue. On the other side of the room, Amy was not too happy with their night activities.



Julie's ex boyfriend, Anthony Mosby played by Jake Gyllenhaal bc I'm listening to All To Well right now🤭

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