ix: slow is secure

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  —Julie finished her sentence, "

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  Julie finished her sentence, "...Then he kissed me."

  They all fell silent for a moment, but Morgan broke the silence by saying, "Oh, no! You just cost me $20. Thank you very much!"

  Brenda smiled and added, "And you just gave me $20, so thank you."

  Julie asked, "You guys bet on me?" As she looked at them in disbelief.

  "In our defence," Carter said, raising her hands, "You guys were going pretty slow, and we got bored." John agreed with Carter and nodded.

  "Anyway, how was it?" Morgan inquired, intrigued.

  "What do you mean 'how was it?' it was alright I guess," Julie said, a little embarrassed.

  Brenda rolled her eyes and muttered, "Was it passionate, hungry, or soft? Oh! Was it slow, as in 'I need every inch of your lips', or fast, as in 'I just need you right now'?"

  Julie was perplexed and stated, "What? What the hell does that mean?"

  "First you have to ask, was it slow or fast?" John said, placing his hands on Brenda's shoulders.

  "Slow?" Julie responded with a question.

  "Hmm, okay, interesting," John said as he rubbed his chin.

  Morgan sighed, "I just thought you would have been all over each other by now. You two are going so slow!"

  "Hey! It's not that slow. Besides, slow is a good thing. Slow is secure," Julie stated sternly while pointing her finger at him.

  "Yes! But it's insanely boring," Carter said this while fluffing a pillow next to her.

  Julie sighed and exclaimed, "I mean, I can't just say, 'hey Elijah, I think we should take this to the next level already.' That is not how it works."

  "Fine. Anyway, have you heard anything from Quinn?" Carter questioned.

  "Actually, no. But she'll call again next week," Julie said as she sat next to Brenda on the couch with a blanket.

  "How'd you know?" Morgan inquired.

  Julie responded, "we set a timetable. On Wednesday, the third week of the month, she calls."

  They say nothing and turn on the television. Morgan and Carter were both asleep, with Brenda, Julie, and John intently watching the movie when the phone rang.

  "Hello, this is Julie," Julie said as she picked it up.

  "I told you I'd call," the other end said with a chuckle.

  "Hey Elijah," Julie said, causing Brenda and John's heads to turn in her direction.

  "I just have to ask, did you have a good time tonight?" Elijah inquired, despite the fact that he knew she had a good time at the party, to ensure that it was real and not a dream. Besides, he enjoys hearing her say it again. "I hope I'm not disturbing you in your sleep or anything," he added.

  "What did he say?! What did he say?!" John asked irritably.

  Julie gave him a look that told him to stop talking before responding to Elijah, "You weren't bothering me at all. It's all right."

  "That's fine, then. Actually, I was going to ask if-" he paused briefly before continuing, "Uh, may I call you back tomorrow?"

  Julie is confident, "Sure, sure. It's perfectly acceptable. Don't be concerned." He then hung up.

  Brenda inquired, "what happened?"

  "Well, he asked if I had a good time at the party, and he was about to ask something else, but then he stopped and asked if he could call back tomorrow," Julie explained.

  "Okay, it's getting late. I'm going home," John said with a nod.

  "I'm going to stay in the guest room tonight, my roommate brought home a guy and I don't particularly want to be in the same apartment as them. Let these two sleep," Brenda said, motioning to Carter and Morgan's sleeping figures.

  "Yeah, good night," Julie said as she led John to the door and shut it. She wrapped a blanket around her sleeping companions before retiring to her room to sleep as well.



I am soooo lucky I drafted this one cause I haven't even started with the new chapter that I promised I would do. N e ways. I'm actually planning on writing the umbrella academy fanfic.

So what do you think should happen in the next chapter?

Please vote and comment your thoughts. I would really appreciate it. Don't make bad decisions everyone (unlike me all the time)

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