xviii: nothing suits me like a suit

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  —"Your brother is aware of your whereabouts

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  "Your brother is aware of your whereabouts."

  "Does he have any clue of what I do or who I'm with?" Elijah questioned the person on the other end of the line.

  "I'm actually not sure. I only know he's aware that you're in New York and that he may arrive soon," explained the man.

  "All right," Elijah responded before hanging up the phone.

  He entered the bedroom to find Julie reading a book in her bed. Only the table lamp was turned on, so the room was dark.

  "Who was that?" she inquired as she looked up from her reading.

  "Nobody. Simply someone who keeps an eye on my brother," as he got onto the bed, he said. "What are you reading?" He asked.

  Julie simply murmured, "Persuasion," as she rested her head on his chest.

  "That's a pretty interesting book," Elijah murmured and closed his eyes.

  The moment was ideal. There are no distractions. Despite the fact that his brother was aware of his whereabouts. Everything was fine as long as he didn't find out he was happy with someone and didn't harm Julie.

  He had yearned for peace like this for a long time, and the person next to him had provided it to him only a couple of months ago but it felt like centuries.

  He never imagined he'd be so naive as to fall in love with a human, yet it did happen. Rebekah had always been the type to fall in love quickly. He's only had 3 or 4 partners who he adored as much as her.

  He looked at her and saw that she, too, was surrounded by clouds in her head. "Care to tell me what you're thinking?" He inquired, intrigued.

  "Do you think we should get a cat?" she asked, sighing sadly. "But," she added after a little pause, "We're usually so busy."

  With a smirk on his lips, Elijah agreed, "Mhmm." In his view, the word 'busy' probably meant something else.

  "Not like that, you dirty old guy," Julie lightly smacked his arm making Elijah chuckle.

  Julie's mind wandered once more. "Where do you see yourself in five years?" she asked, looking at him.

  Elijah sighed, knowing she wouldn't be there in the future. She couldn't possibly be. Being with him was deadly for her. They were both aware of this. It pained both of them to know that one of them would have to end their relationship at some point.

  "I'm not sure," he replied, closing his eyes. Julie returned her gaze to her book and bit her lips. Then said, "But I'm sure I'd want you to be there. Somehow. Just that I'd like you to be a part of my future."

  There was a knock on the door after that.

  "Come in!" Julie screamed as she sat up.

  It was John and Morgan. They peeked their heads in and came in after discovering they were only sleeping.

  Morgan dragged John to the front and stated, "I um... John has a question."

  Before asking, John fidgeted with his fingers,"For a loooong time, we've wanted to ask Elijah this question. No! I take that back. Not 'we', David yeah. He wanted to know, do you wear a suit when you're sleeping?"

  Julie laughed in response to her friend's question. They gave her a strange look to get her to quiet up, but she struggled to hide her enjoyment.

  Elijah, too, laughed lightly before saying, "No, I do not wear a suit when I'm sleeping."

  Morgan and John exchanged nods, but Morgan decided to ask one more question, "I don't even know why you always wear a suit. It's exhausting"

  "I suppose because nothing suits me like a suit," Elijah said after a brief pause.

  Julie snorted, drawing everyone's attention to her. "All right, now that you've got your answers, you may go," Julie replied with a shrug as she leaned back in her bed.

  Elijah smiled as he glanced at her, "I suppose you're correct. They are continuously asking foolish questions."

  "I told you I am always right," Julie said, smugly looking at him. She then turned off the light and slept with her head resting on Elijah's chest and his arms around her.



So today, basically I'm gonna be posting all the chapters left then start the editing

PS. This is a filler chapter so it's not much.

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