iii: phone calls

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  —Julie was in her apartment with her friends when she received a phone call

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  —Julie was in her apartment with her friends when she received a phone call.

  "All right, everyone, shush," she said as she picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Julie," she said into the phone.

  "Hello, this is Elijah, from the park," there was a response.

  "Hi, Elijah. Thanks for calling," with a grin on her face, she said.

  When her friends heard her say his name, they all remained silent in order to listen in on their conversation.

  "Yes. I was hoping you'd be able to join me for coffee tomorrow," he stated.

  Elijah hadn't expected to fuss over a girl, but here he was, hoping she'd agree to coffee. He could have given her so much more, but he decided to wait and see if she was worth it. He wanted to give himself a chance to be happy again.

  "Like a date?" Julie asked with a big smile.

  Elijah cleared his throat and said, "Yes, indeed. As in a date."

  Julie was silent for a moment, causing him to rethink his words before she spoke up and replied, "Yes. That would be wonderful. Tomorrow at 12 p.m.? Because my lunch break ends at 1 p.m."

  "Yes," he said, "I'll see you tomorrow at noon at the same coffee shop," he added, "And good night."

  "Good night," she said into the phone before hanging up, a big grin on her face.

  "Now, now Julie, who is that?" With a smirk on his face, John questioned.

  "That was Elijah from the coffee shop," she said, a small smile on her face.

  "Oh, who's he?" Quinn, a friend she met in an art museum, inquired.

  "Well, um, I met him today at the coffee shop, then I ran into him at the park and we talked," Julie told her friends, not wanting to tell them everything that had happened, which wasn't much.

  Quinn raised her brows, while John looked at his friend in disbelief.

  Julie turned to face them and inquired, "What? Do you think I'm going to tell you everything he told me?"

  "Yes," both Quinn and John agreed.

  Julie was taken aback by their reaction and simply stated, "I am not going to tell you. Some things are personal."

  "Well, if he told you, it means they're not that personal," Quinn explained to her friend. "At the very least, give us his full name," she suggested to her friend.

  "Fine. It's Elijah Mikaelson. I didn't ask him many questions, and we only talked for about 10 minutes," she informed them.

  "Mikaelson?" "10 minutes?" Quinn and John both asked at the same time.

  Julie looked at John first, then at Quinn, then back at John. She decided to respond to John's question first by saying, "Yes, just 10minutes. I only know his name and that he works as a historian."

  She then looked at Quinn, who was still in shock, and responded to her question with, "Mikaelson, yes. Do you know who he is?"

  Quinn came out of her trance and said, with a nervous smile, "I haven't met them personally, but I've heard some friends talk about them. It's nothing."

  Julie was unconvinced, saying, "Look, if he's bad news or weird or anything I need to know, just spit it out before I get myself in trouble."

  "No, it's not that bad. It's just that they're a little superior. But I'm sure that's not true. The person who told me that was a bit of a nut job," Quinn told them. She quickly excused herself, stating that she was tired and needed to sleep.

  "Well, that was strange," John commented, prompting Julie to question her friend. But she brushed it aside, reasoning that it wasn't worth overthinking.

  John soon left, and Julie decided to retire to bed after cleaning up the mess they had made. Before falling asleep, she kept thinking about the man in the suit with the nice hair.


Quinn is played by Kaya Scodelario. It's from this other fanfic that I've been thinking about writing.

Off topic but Billie's met Gala outfit 🤌

I've got an exam next week and I'm not even kidding I don't know squads about any of it.

Anygays please let me know your thoughts about this chapter and the story. I would also love it if you like it and vote 👀

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