xiii: acceptance

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  —While Quinn was making tea, Julie sat on the couch with Elijah in front of her

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  —While Quinn was making tea, Julie sat on the couch with Elijah in front of her.

  Elijah chose to speak first, "I know you are-"

  "What hell are you?" He was interrupted by Julie.

  Elijah's mouth opened for a brief moment before closing. He loathed having to talk about it. He didn't want her to find out about it. "We're vampires," he said after taking a long breath.

  Julie's brows furrowed. The words that came out of his mouth astounded her. She refused to believe him. He was so...normal.

  "How is that even possible?" Julie questioned. She was puzzled. She had no idea she knew so little about the world.

  Elijah's thoughts were racing with questions and what-if scenarios. If he departed, she might be able to find another man who is far better to him. Who would be able to assist her in ways he couldn't. Give her children and live a normal life, free of danger.

  Would she be more satisfied then? Would she be pleased? Would she be happier if he left her? If he left, there was a chance he'd never find someone who made him feel as good as she did, as nice as she did.

  She would be in danger once again if he chose to be selfish and stay. Niklaus would undoubtedly learn about her, posing a major problem. He came to the conclusion that he couldn't make her decision for her.

  He never thought about the future much with his other girlfriends. Just the present. But with Julie, he thought about how everything would workout, the bad and the good. He wanted her with him in the future.

  "I...understand if you want me to leave and never bother you again," Elijah said as he placed his hand on her knee.

  Julie raised her eyes to his. She had no idea he'd say something like that. She had no idea how he came up with that idea.

  "Elijah... I'm certain that you would never harm me," Julie took his hands in hers and said. "You haven't in the last few months, and I know you won't in the future. And, to be honest, I don't want to lose you," she said with a smile. But her smile faltered a bit when she added, "I just...it's just that I don't know how to process all of this in just minutes."

  Elijah was unable to take his gaze away from her. "You'd be in continual danger. Do you have any idea what I'm capable of? Do you know what I've done?" He inquired once more.

  "Hate the sin, love the sinner," Julie said with a chuckle, "Besides, your troubles have now become mine."

  "Julie I'm serious about this," while cupping her cheeks in his palms, Elijah warned her that she'd lose everything normal in her life.

  Julie sighed quietly, "Elijah, I've already made my choices. You're not going to do anything about it. Your life revolves around the supernatural world. So what if you have a little normal on the side?"

  Elijah smiled at the lovely and caring woman in front of him. He leaned forward and softly kissed her, making her sigh into the kiss and melt.

  "All right, all right," Quinn yelled, causing them to split apart and remember her presence.

  "Sorry," Julie apologised shyly and averted her gaze, causing Elijah to grin.

  Quinn sat next to Julie and sipped his tea. She giggled as she looked between them. "So I guess it's official between you two, huh? Do you even know how old he is?" She asked, slightly amused by the circumstance.

  "I-what?" Julie questioned with a dumbfounded look.

  Quinn sighed and rolled her eyes "Vampires do not grow old! Doi! I'm one of them. I turned in 1994 when I was 21 and have remained so to this day."

  "So...Elijah, how old are you?" Julie inquired, her gaze falling on his coffee-brown eyes.

  After a brief pause, Elijah clears his throat and responds, "a thousand."

When Julie heard him, she almost spit up her drink. "A thousand? Oh my God, "she murmured, attempting to suppress a chuckle.

  "Wow, Julie, you really took the 'I like older guys' to a whole new level." Quinn enquired jokingly.

  Julie responded with a smirk, "Shut up Quinn."



It appears I do not know how to end a chapter. Really like I suck at this.

Something embarassing happened. I wanna kill myself. Y'all don't know me so imma just say it. I told you we were having our sakramen, well I didn't. Not because I didn't pass the exam or anything something more EMBARRASSING. I FUCKING PEED MYSELF OMG.

Also Quinn third wheeling lmao

Anyways vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter 😉

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