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  —"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry

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  "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry..." Julie began by looking at her watch and continued, "I'm 8 minutes late. I needed to speak with someone's father."

  "It's perfectly fine. Thank you for coming," instead, Elijah informed her.

  Before the waiter arrived, there was an awkward silence for a few moments. Neither of them know what to say to the other.

  "We apologise for being a little late today. What can get you?" She asked with a charming smile.

  "Um, just tea," Julie said with a nod.

  "I'll have the same," Elijah adds.

  The waitress took their orders and immediately left.

  "Now, Elijah... Where are you from, exactly?" Julie inquired, hoping to soothe the tension.

  "Uh from a small town in Virginia. We moved there when I was very young," Elijah replied simply. He considered not asking questions, but when he looked at her, he realised he wanted to know everything that had been going on in her life. So he inquired, "So, how about you? Where are you from?"

  "Oh, I'm originally from Seattle. Then I moved here when I was 18 for college," she explained.

  The waitress delivered their coffee and left immediately.

  "How has your day gone so far?" He inquired in order to learn more about her.

  "Oh, it was all right. For the first time, the kids behaved strangely well today. Normally, they would be yelling, misbehaving, or doing something else, but not today," she said.

  Elijah gazed at her adoringly, already knowing he'd become attached and she'd be in danger, but he could protect her, right? He couldn't protect his family, but he could shield her from harm. He will keep her safe. Something about her compelled him to stay with her, be near her, and protect her. He thought it was strange.

  "How about you? How was your day?" She asked, already more at ease than she had been.

  "It was...good. I didn't do much, but I met a pretty lady for lunch," he said, grinning.

  "Flattery will get you nowhere," Julie said, blushing at his words.

  "Oh, yes. But it's making you smile, which is exquisite," he went on, making her blush and smile even more.

  Julie gave him a smile and changed the subject of the conversation. "And what about your family?" She inquired.

  Elijah tensed at the subject, but quickly calmed down before she could notice. "My parents, as well as my 2 brothers and sister, are no longer with us. There is one brother left, but he and I do not get along," he simply stated his opinion. It wasn't not a lie, but it also wasn't the whole truth.

  "Oh, I'm sorry. It must have been difficult to have someone you care about taken away from you," Julie informed him.

  Elijah noticed that she speaks with sorrow, as if she has experienced the pain.

  "I can't help but notice you speak as if you're familiar with the situation. Have you ever lost someone you cared about?" With a soft voice, he asked.

  Julie pauses for a moment before responding, "Yes, unfortunately. In an accident, I lost a friend."

  "That must've been difficult," he said, reaching out to take her hand in his.

Julie softly smiled as they touched their hands and said, "It was a long time ago. Approximately 6 years ago."

  "Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?" Elijah inquired, raising his brows as he sipped his coffee.

  "My family is still in Seattle, yes. As you know, I first came to New York when I was 18 and I have a little sister. I am a second grade teacher, and I guess I bake or read in my spare time. Oh! And I sculpt, well, not exactly sculpt, but I do make plates and pots," Julie told him snippets of her life.

  Even if it wasn't much, Elijah was delighted to know a little bit about her life. He knew he shouldn't do it but he just can't help it.

  They quickly finished their tea and exited the shop.

  "Oh, I have to go back soon," Julie said, a little disappointed that she had to return so soon.

  "Let me walk you there," Elijah offered. "Anything to spend more time with you," he said then quickly added, "Not in a creepy way."

  "Oh, that's fine. It's around the corner. It won't even take 10 minutes-"

  "I insist," she was cut off by Elijah, who offered her his arm. She happily clasped her arms around his and they walked to school.

  When they arrived at the school, Julie let go of his arm and walked up the stairs, leaving Elijah behind. "Today was fun. Even though it wasn't very long, it was fun," she smiled as she returned his gaze.

  "Perhaps we could do it again," Elijah replied to her smile.

  "Yeah, that'd be nice," she said. "You have my phone number. Just call me."

  "Will do," Elijah said as he watched her retreat. He smiled to himself and quickly exited the school grounds.



I'm finding it really fucking hard to get these two together real quick. Partly cause I wanna finish this story quick and work on a new one. I've got so many ideas.

How would you want Julie to find out more of the supernatural world?

I would love it if you share your thoughts about the story and vote. Stay safe and don't be a dick 😌💅

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