ii: a walk in the park

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  —Julie happened to notice him while strolling through the park

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  —Julie happened to notice him while strolling through the park. The man with the good hair in the suit. She reasoned that she'd be better off taking her chances with him now rather than later.

  Julie was never one to take chances. She never does anything outside of her comfort zone unless a friend suggested it. She prefers to keep it to herself the majority of the time and works hard to better herself. As a result, she surprised herself when she approached the man.

  "Hi," she said with a smile.

  He turned around as quickly as a cheetah when he heard the sound. "Hello," he said gracefully, a small smile on his face.

  "Um, I'm from the coffee shop you were at earlier," she introduced herself, hoping he would recognise her.

  What she didn't realise was that his nose would pick up on her enticing scent. She smelled like lavender and freshly baked cookies.

  "Yes. I'm assuming it's the person who likes my hair," he said this, and she smiled sheepishly.

  She let out a huff of air and said, "I'm Juliet Connor but you can call me Julie." She smiled and extended her hand to introduce herself.

  He paused for a moment before taking her hand in his. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Elijah Mikaelson," he said. He kissed her hand instead of shaking it, which made her blush even more.

  "Would you like to go for a walk?" Her eyes were filled with hope as she asked. He couldn't take his gaze away from her stunning blue eyes, so he agreed to the plan.

  They were taking in the sights as they walked around. The scene was quiet, peaceful, and beautiful in Elijah's opinion, but it couldn't compete with the beauty of the girl standing next to him with her hands in her pockets.

  "So, Elijah, what do you do?" She inquired, thereby initiating a conversation.

  "Well, I'm a- historian," he blurted out, because it was the first thing that came to mind.

  "That sounds fun. I've never been that much interested in history. There are far too many names and dates in this list," she said chuckling

  "What about you? What do you do?" He asked her the same question.

  As she looked at him, she smiled, "I work as a teacher. The second grade," she responded.

  "How is it?" He was curious and inquired. He hasn't held or played with a baby or a child in a long time.

  Julie looked at him with a smile and said, "It's fantastic actually. I love teaching children. When I was a kid, I didn't even know how to hold one or make them stop crying, but as I got older and my aunt had her baby, it all clicked and here I am. I've been teaching second grade for the past three years." She smiled as she thought of her nieces and kids.

  In response to her words, he softly smiled. She looked at him, hoping to see the smile that could end global dominance. The smile she wishes she could see again.

  She noticed the large clock on the pole and realised she needed to get somewhere quickly. "Hey, I'm going to see a friend. But what if we see each other again?" She asked.

  Elijah took a moment to reflect. Given that he's an original with a slew of enemies, including Mikael and Niklaus, she'd be in grave danger if he spent time with her. But he couldn't pass up the opportunity to feel something nice and wonderful, even if it was only for a short while.

  "Yes, that would be nice," he finally replied to her question.

  "Great, here's my card. My phone number is printed on the back," as she handed him her business card, she said this. "So uh call me. Good bye Elijah," she then walked out of the park.

  Elijah took a moment to consider the card before slipping it into his pocket and walking away. He walked out of the park with a warmth in his chest he hadn't felt in a long time.



1 chapter's outttttt. I mean this was the only thing I could think of. I was thinking maybe be making them like official maybe in chapter 7 which I haven't even write yet. I'm stuck on chapter 4 but any ways.

When do you think I should end the story cause I don't plan on doing it long but have no idea when to stop.

What do you think if this chapter? Comment your thoughts and ways I can improve. Much love from a bitch with straight ass hair 🌚

Edit: i changed her work. Basically it said Julie teaches 1st grade but i changed it to 2nd 👍

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