xv: new roommate

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  —When the doorbell rang, Julie and Elijah were still in bed

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  —When the doorbell rang, Julie and Elijah were still in bed.

  Julie hurriedly dressed and walked towards the door. She spotted her sister, Amy, when she opened it.

  "Amy!" Julie was perplexed as to why her sister came to her apartment at 5:30 a.m.

  Elijah exited the room in sweatpants to see who it was.

  Amy strolled into the house with two suitcases and said, "Well, I see you've had a very productive night. Which one is my room?"

  Julie was startled and questioned, "What are you talking about? Room?"

  Amy smiled and nodded, "Yeah. I'm going to be your new roommate. When I'm finished unpacking, I'll tell you everything. For now, I'm just going to take this room." She walked over to the empty room where Quinn used to stay when she came over.

  "Care to tell me who that was?" Elijah inquired.

  "My sister, Amy," Julie replied, rubbing her eyes.

  Elijah responded with a nod. "She appears to be... quite nice," he continued nervously.

  Julie burst out laughing at his comments. "Please, don't make me laugh. Let's get dressed now. God! I desperately need a shower," she remarked and walked into the bedroom, followed by Elijah.


  "So I was standing on the porch and said, "Well, if you want me to go, I'll go!" I said. And he was all like, "Fine! Don't come sobbing to me when you need money." Then I turned around and left,"  Amy stated as she sipped her coffee. "I obviously knew I was going to need some money but I didn't want to tell him so I simply left and here I am."

  Julie, Elijah, Morgan, Carter, John, and Brenda were all standing around her, looking dumbfounded.

  Julie made the decision to say, "So, let me clarify something. You and dad had an argument and you threatened to leave-"

  "Not threatened. I actually did it," Amy corrected with a childlike expression.

  Julie groaned and said, "So he told you he doesn't give a damn. So you left and came here for what reason?"

  Amy rolled her eyes. "Well I didn't know anyone else in the city duh. Anyways, basically dad wants me to be more "independent" like you," she said and used quotation marks as she said independent.

  Amy inquired, "Ugh, who made this coffee anyways, it tastes terrible." Making John sheepishly raise his hand.

  "How do you plan to make a living?" Julie questioned her sister.

  Amy explained, "Well, I dropped out of college a way back."

  Carter made the decision to speak up, "So, what do you plan on doing? What about getting a job?"

  Amy paused for a bit before responding, "I'm not sure. I suppose any job that pays well will be satisfying."

  John added, "Hey, there's a job at the café."

  Morgan questioned, "Really?"

  John smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Mark actually quit. He's all corporate now."

  "So, it's all sorted now. Amy will be working in the café. Case closed," Julie stated this as she washed Amy's cup.

  "No! I am not working there if I do not want to. So, the case is still open," Amy replied with a shake of her head.

  Julie grimaced and cautioned, "You should, after all, have a job. I'm not going to pay for anything."

  Amy attempted to convince herself, "I can live with it."

  "That means no more new clothes," Julie cautioned, causing Amy to become anxious.

  She sighed and finally agreed, "All right! I'll take it."

  "Good. Now, I have to get ready," Carter stated as she and the others followed her too.

  Elijah shifted his gaze to Julie and gave her a deep and slow kiss. "I'll see you later?" he said as he broke the kiss.

  "You bet," Julie replied, biting her lower lip as he walked away.

  Julie smacked Amy with a pillow because she made a disgusting look.



This was supposed to be a little bit longer but I think I had writer's block and didn't know what to add.

Also I'm making Amy like Rachel's sister Amy (lmao thta was not intended, I just like the name Amy) who was spoiled. But this Amy's better than Rachel's sister from F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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