xi: where is she?

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  —Elijah was at home, drinking and pondering a variety of topics

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  —Elijah was at home, drinking and pondering a variety of topics. One of them being the breathtaking Julie Connor. He didn't seem to bother that she couldn't get out of his head. He strolled slowly around the room with a scotch in his hand.

  His phone abruptly rang. He drew his brows together. He hadn't expected a call, and this wasn't the number he'd given Julie.

  "Hello?" As he sipped his drink, he said calmly.

  The voice on the other end of the line said, "Elijah Mikaelson."

  "Yes and this is?" He inquired.

  "Not important. We have something of yours or rather, someone important to you," the voice said.

  Elijah paused for a while to consider his options. The voice has a strong resemblance to one I've heard before. It was then that he realised it was Marina Carmo. Her, Aneta Jones and Carlos Khan, had betrayed him and his brother about a century ago.

  "Marina Carmo is it? What can I do to assist you?" He inquired, a sly grin on his face.

  The girl took a deep breath but did not back down, "Julie Connor is here. We'll set her free in exchange for our own."

  Elijah's eyes went wide. "Where is she?" He asked in a threatening tone.

  "Just make sure we have our freedom first, and then she'll be safe," she urged once more.

  "Where is she?" he asked once more as the tumbler of scotch in his hands breaks. He shouted it again, this time even more threateningly than before.

  He couldn't lose her, not when he finally found happiness with her, even if it was only little. He just couldn't.

  "Say I'm free!" Marina spoke up once more, this time a little louder.

  Elijah was already heavily breathing, so he closed his eyes and considered his options. He eventually made up his mind. He continued, a little more gently, "You are free Marina Carmo."

  Marina remained silent for a time before saying, "Give me your word."

  He groaned and said, "I give you my word."

  "Good. Thank you very much. We're at the old house where I turned. You remember that?" She asked.

  After he replied with a 'yes,' she hung up the phone.

  He hastily gathered his belongings and walked out the door.

  He was approached by a young woman on the streets. Her blues were lovely and her hair was raven black.

  "Where is she?" She questioned, her tone stern. Elijah furrowed his brows, before she repeated it again, "Julie! What happened to her?! What in the world did you do to her!?"

  "Who are you? Do you even know who I am and what I can do?" Elijah was perplexed.

  The female gave him a cold stare "Elijah Mikaelson, aka the nobel original. And my name is Quinn Simmons. Her friend, and if you lay a hand on her, original or not, I'll kill you. What happened to her?! Her friends sais that she didn't pick up any calls."

  "This isn't something we have time for. Either help me rescue her or leave," Elijah retaliated by pinning her against a nearby wall.

  "Wha- what happened?" Quinn asked, puzzled.

  "Now it's time to save Julie. We'll talk later," he said something and walked away, followed by the female.

  "So, who are these people?" Asked the Quinn. She was confused as to why they wanted her friend.

  "They betrayed my brother and I, like many others, many years ago. They now have her in return for their release, as well as Katerina," Quinn nodded as he said.

  When they arrived at the house Marina was talking about, they heard some whispering.

  "You handle them. I'll keep an eye out for Julie," Quinn murmured something and discreetly moved around the house looking for her friend.

  For a brief period, Elijah stood at the front entrance. He was terrified. He was terrified for Julie's safety, afraid that they would injure her, and terrified for the fact that he would have to reveal his darkest secret, his monstrosity, to her. Despite this, he knocked slowly and adjusted his suit.



I'll try to finish this story before Christmas and edit it all. Basically I didn't like how I wrote it before (I change my mind a lot). I'll try to add the correct phrase and others like punctuation.

How do you think the ending should be? Like happy? Sad? Normal? Idek.

Also this chapter is really rushed and shitty so...

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