xiv: what makes you so lovely?

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  —Elijah and Julie were walking hand in hand through the park, exchanging stories about their day

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  —Elijah and Julie were walking hand in hand through the park, exchanging stories about their day.

  "My day, on the other hand, was fantastic! We have a new student in the class. She's adorable. She reminds me of a barbie doll," Julie burst out laughing.

  Elijah smiled as he saw his girlfriend's demeanour and inquired, "Oh, yes? What's her name?"

  "Michelle Hai. She's a very cute little girl. They're all quite beautiful and handsome, after all. Her parents moved a lot so I don't think she'll be staying very long," Julie responded.

  The name made Elijah stiffen up. Hai. The name comes from a group of hunters who have developed a new weapon to kill the originals. No one learned what it was or had ever seen one, but they were aware that it could hurt them and leave them unable to heal.

  "Everything okay?" Julie asked, jolting him out of his thoughts.

  "Yes. Excellent," He responded.

  Julie exclaimed as she peered up at the sky, "Look at that! It's snowing."

  He gazed at her, puzzled as to how he had ended up with such a lovely soul. He kissed her on the forehead lightly, causing her to blush profusely.

  "What makes you so lovely?" With a chuckle, he questioned.

  "Mhmm. What is it about you that makes you so charming?" With a smirk, Julie answered.

  "Well, my 1000-year experience had a lot to do with it," Elijah said after a little pause.

  Julie rolled her eyes in response to his sarcasm and said, "Right. It has nothing to do with you attempting to impress someone right?"

  "Let's get you home," he chuckled, and walked over to her apartment.


  "Well, I guess that's a lie," Julie chuckled as she pushed open the door and tossed the keys down.

  "It's true! My mother and brother were both witches," Elijah said, removing his jacket and hanging it, along with Julie's, on a racket.

  "Do you want anything?" Julie inquired, chuckling. With a shake of his head. She jumped up and said, "Alright, I'm going to change."

  "Before you do that, do you think it's normal for your friends to ask me for a favour, like Morgan did today when he called to ask if I had whiskey?" Elijah said, puzzled.

  "Well, did you?" Julie asked, laughing as she approached him.

  "Shut up," Elijah jokingly warned her as he took a step closer to her.

  "Why don't you compel me to?" Julie smirked and moved a step closer to him.

  He dashed up to her and kissed her on the lips.

  He had the powerful impression that he had just gotten the thing he craved most on her lips.

  As soon as his hands rested on her waist, she sank into his embrace. She craved his touch and this sensation.

  When he kissed her collarbone and kissed her on the lips again, she groaned quietly. He smirked at her actions as she bit his lips.

  He put his hand inside her shirt and slowly unclasped her bra. He smirked against her lips and moved down to her jaws and neck, making her moan in delight. He slowly moved back up to her lips.

  She snatched the kiss from his lips and put her brow on his. "Bedroom?" she asked, panting.

  He merely smirked and took her in his arms. They went into the bedroom with her legs wrapped around his waist and kissing his cheek and jaws all over.

  Until they fell asleep, the night was filled with breathing and lusty sighs.



I still can't dela with the issue yesterday. God how do you peed yourself when you're 14! Man I'm gonna remember this for the rest of my life. DAMN

Anyways, I forgot I wrote this scene and also what the hell was I thinking writing this. It's so bad. I haven't even experienced it myself 😬

I plan on making Michelle Hai a main character in another book. It's still going be tvd and like it will be clear when I write it. IF I write it.

Anyways, who would you lik her love interest to be? I plan on it being Damon but I'm not sure and I already have one for Kol, Klaus, Kai, Jeremy and Stefan.

Vote if you liked it and comment your thoughts.

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