viii: auction slash party

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  —There was a knock on the door after they had finished getting her ready

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  —There was a knock on the door after they had finished getting her ready. When John went to open it, he saw Elijah standing there in a tuxedo.

  Julie emerged from her room and said with a smile, "Hi. Shall we go?"

  Elijah drew in a breath. The girl standing there was enticingly beautiful. She appeared to be stepping out of a painting. She had her hair up and was dressed in a stunning red gown that fit her perfectly. She was holding her coat in one hand. Her red lipstick completed the look.

  Elijah shook his head and walked into the house. "You look... Beautiful," he said as he approached her.

  Julie flushed at his words, while the others smirked at their friend's antics.

  "Oh, these are my friends. Brenda and John. And you know Carter and Morgan," she introduced while pointing at each of them.

  "Pleased to meet you," Elijah introduced, adding, "Shall we?" He extended his arm to her, which she gladly accepted.

  Carter said with a smile, "You should hurry. You don't want to be late for anything. Also don't take her out too late!"

  Now it was only Julie and Elijah.


  When they arrived at their destination, Elijah opened the car door for her and offered her his arm, which she gladly accepted.

  Julie was taken aback by the sculptures and paintings that adorned the house when they entered. It appeared to be more of a museum than a house.

  "So, what exactly is this? Is it a party slash auction?" Julie looked around, unsure what was going on because Elijah hadn't given her a direct answer before.

  "It's like a party, but you can buy some of the arts and sculptures tonight," Elijah explained.

  Julie noticed a familiar face in the corner and informed Elijah, "There's Alexander Pierre. Morgan's great uncle. He doesn't like him all that much."

  Elijah responded by looking in the direction she was looking. He saw who it was and stated, "Oh, yes. Alexander William Henry Pierre. If I may say so, his actions do not match his words. When he tried to frame Captain Garry Miller, I was there."

  Julie looked at him, surprised, and asked, "wasn't it like 10 years ago when that happened?"

  Elijah tensed for a moment, completely forgetting who he was speaking to, and quickly devised a lie, "Well, my father... He was a member of their party, and he invited me to accompany him that day."

  "Oh well, I'm just glad he didn't get away. Morgan claimed he verbally abused his cousin, but I'm not sure. Just that he isn't a particularly good man," Julie told him as Elijah nodded in agreement.

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