and forever you'll stay

18 0 0

written on 8/28/21


i'm so sorry

i've seemed to disappear

but maybe this time i'll be come back

once i'm thought of as lost

that's all i ever seem to be

even with so much prosperity

there always seems to be pain that follows

it's not like i can help it

if it were up to me i'd relish in this growth

having no urge to seek comfort back home

as familiar and loving it can be

it is also a cave that illuminates the darkness

giving way to every secret folded under the mattress

all the endless letters that are failed to be completed

any form of contentedness is welcome here

but forever it will stay

love will blossom and die here

with words from a letter engraved on a tombstone

remembered by a song written on a whim

if i were to go back to this

i fear I would also fall into this cycle

becoming nothing more than a tune stuck in your head

instead of this fate perhaps i'll find a way out

there must be some sunlight that can peak through

something good that pokes through

maybe someone that will stay

pause and remember the ones that came before

then come to recognize what stands in front of you now

someone to bring back the light

and bring you back home


hello, loves. it's been awhile i haven't had the time to myself to be able to formulate words like this. but i had just bought a new journal for myself after using the same one for a few years so i've gained some inspiration to add new things. i hope i can keep up writing because it really does make me happy, well kinda. 

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