Changeling AU

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(Monster! One Piece X ????! Reader) Just some snippets from a scrapped story idea.


You ran through the flames as painful screams surrounded you.

Humans all around fled from the pale, bloodshot creatures hissing in hunger.

Despite the creatures' slow pacing, your village was brought to it's knees very quickly, the ghouls didn't waste time in the dead silence of night.

Tearing up in frustration, you continued to run, dodging any ghouls who tried to reach out for you.

As adults rushed past you, none of them tried to help- or even acknowledge you.

Which was to be expected being an orphan.

They considered you an outsider, and nobody ever came to your need, although they treated you poorly, it still made you sad to see such destruction.

Nobody deserved a genocide.

The Lich queen responsible was ruthless, when the village timidly explained to her that the town didn't have the things she wanted, her response was to wipe out the entirety of the community.

Of course nobody could do a thing, monsters of any kind were too powerful for you- and the humans were a pitiful race that had too much coming back to them from centuries before.

After most of the houses were nearly burnt to the ground, you and a small group of villagers were able to find a place to hide in the woods.

You grimaced and teared up hearing more unlucky folk shriek in agony as the ghouls feasted on their flesh.

You thought it was over once everything began to quiet down and dawn threatened to break.

"There are some survivors here!"

Hearing the crowd you were in begin to panic, more ghoul soldiers surrounded you all like wolves, you cried as they dragged you all back kicking and screaming.

One by one the ghouls evaluated every sniffling villager, deeming them either to be fit for turning at the capital, or to be used as ingredients for the richer folk.

When it was your turn to be shoved before them, you glanced harrowingly at the carriage with people to be sent to the capital, having been deemed fit for being turned into zombies or shabtis or such.

Perhaps they would end up as slaves without the turning, some monsters preferred that stuff.

They were bundled together with twine like crops, and you prayed to the gods above and below that wasn't to be the fate for you.

But something seemed to have been out of order.

The two guards evaluating you began to bicker in an unknown language, staring hard at you with suspicious eyes.

Eventually a higher ranking soldier came to step in.

Coughing hard at the smoke the specter emitted, you tried to lean away from his thick smog, but he instated his dominance right into you with a gleaming glare.

"What the hell is this..?"

The creature sounded less than pleased with the hold up, glaring hard into your thin, malnourished frame as if it was your fault.

The two guards spoke to him in gibberish- whatever they said made him whirl onto you with urgency.

"Changeling.." looking down at you in shock, the specter then proceeded to bark orders around.

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