One Piece Boyfriend Headcanons: Jealous

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Just a dozen of dabbles of headcanons when your lover gets a little jealous


Monkey D. Luffy;

- You'll never know it cause he'll hide the hell out of it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- This kid really shouldn't have his conqueror's haki when he's like this
- Clingy to the MAX
- Smiles and giggles on the surface
- Beneath he might just punch a bitch (but doesn't cause he knows you'll get mad if he does)
- Will actually start a street fight if someone gets too close
- If you somehow get him real jealous enough he will D E S T R O Y
- But honestly he trusts you completely so it takes a lot to get him to the point of violence    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Meat remedies everything
- Will become your personal python jewelry for the rest of the day if he feels threatened
- Will whine and complain to you all day like a child if he thinks your spending too much time with his dubbed 'love rivals'
- In the end though it always goes his way so you might as well give in early ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Teenage hormones are a bitch during these times ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Somehow developed the habit of stealing your lipstick, smearing it all over his lips, and kissing the hell out of you to leave 'love marks'???
- For some reason you blame Shanks for this
- Vents on poor unsuspecting marines and pirates who pick a fight
- If you see a shadow under his hat then you kno someone messed up and it wasn't you


Trafalgar Law;

- Turns his sexy up to 11 to keep your attention
- subtly threatens you with a 'bad time' in the bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Makes a habit of slinging his arm over your shoulder and keeping you close in the presence of unsavory folks
- Despite all the signs he denies being jealous
- Flirts a little more in public (which is something he usually doesn't do unless he's feeling threatened/losing dominance)
- Can be a salty lil bitch
- Loves flaunting his 'legitimate' status w/ you to rivals
- A wee bit petty if he feels like his dominance is threatened
- Gets drunk emotional and possessive behind closed doors if he feels like he might lose you (when I say emotional mean like 70% which is pretty high for him)
- You don't know but he has this thing where you have to only smile at him
- Vents his jealousy on his crew with strange and cruel punishments
- Mostly complains like a gossip girl to Bepo when he can't vent
- Gets real cranky when his pride's been dented (lookin at you Kidd)
- You will have to submit to all his petty bullshit to put his pride back in the right place
- Is actually quite hyper protective


Eustass Kidd;

- Blows shit up (go figure)
- Will kill a bitch
- But actually does it behind your back because he doesn't like getting angry in front of you
- Makes you sit on his leg
- Holds you ALL the time
- If he gets really jealous and there's no way to blow off steam he will take his temper tantrum to the kitchen
- Proven to be territorial at the best(???) of times
- Surprisingly enough he likes it when you pet his hair before he actually gets to planning the murder
- Love bites are your permanent tattoos now
- Has a kink of reminding you 'who's in charge' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Compliments you a lot when he feels threatened (because he feels that sometimes he forgets to tell you how much he loves you) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Honestly jealousy keeps reminding him that your anniversary is coming up and he should really find something to do for that date
- Everytime he kills a guy for flirting he contemplates on putting a ring on your finger
- Abuses his devil fruit powers way too much
- Makes you wear all metal accessories

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