Who's The Alien? Pt.2

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(One Piece X Reader) A continuation of Who's The Alien?


"When I said I needed a lot of water.. this isn't what I had in mind.."

Katakuri and Cracker blinked at each other in confusion, not seeing what would make you displeased with their work.

"Is this not enough?" The elder of the two questioned.

Not enough? You couldn't even see where the pile of water bags ended, did they think you just sucked this shit up?

Oh.. wait.

"No.. no, this is definitely enough, it's just that.. these bags dissolve over time don't they?" At least that's what you've come to expect, these probably only lasted a few days before starting to wear down from the inside.

"Won't it be a pain when the time comes to change their containers?"

Cracker groaned to himself at the reminder, "yes, it'll sting a lot if any manage to spill during the transfer.." the alien continued to shutter at the imaginary pain.

Katakuri waved off your concerns, "we've always had this stockpile, it's not like we went out and specifically amassed these just for you"

Well if they were sure then.. "alright.. can you show me where I'll be sleeping?"

Cracker quirked his head, not bothering to mind the small flickers of heat that sparked from his movement, "sleep..?"

"She's a species that hibernates" Katakuri clarified.

At the mention of sleep, your whole body seized up as a yawn was wracked from you, the result of the stress of everything that's happened finally taking its toll.

"What was that?" Both aliens gave you quizzical looks, equally off put and intrigued.

"That was a yawn, it's a sign that I'm tired and require hibernation" you were really looking forward to getting some shut eye now.

Katakuri shuffled in place, expression growing stern as he practically trampled over you, only for you to realize a few seconds later that he had once again absorbed you into his body.

"You said you require hibernation on the daily?"

Whether it was from the growl at the end of his voice, the lack of sleep getting to you, or the fact that you've never communicated with someone telepathically before, your head began to sting none too pleasantly.

"Yeah.. at least once every approximate twenty four tesecs"

The alien's body shifted around you to cup you better inside his body, melting into a shape where you could rest comfortably with most of the weight being on your ass.

"That's a lot of hibernation... what do you do that requires so much maintenance?"

You blanched, "existing"


"Oh wow.."


"She's so... comatose.."

"Are you sure she's not dead from all of that dihydrogen oxide she ingested?"

"You'd notice she's still alive if you actually looked- see! Her underbelly is rising and falling with her breaths"

"Woah.. that looks so weird"

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