Holy Shit

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(ZoSan) Haha lol what am I doing?


"Idiot, I can't believe you thought it was a good idea to try and block a sword with your arm, are you stupid?" The blonde glared hard into the first mate- or more specifically, the bandages wrapped around the first mate's left bicep, covering up his broad, prominent muscles.

Usually, the greenie would have rightfully torn off such offending binds, stating they got in the way far too often, but today the doctor just wasn't having it, considering they were on the last of their medical supplies, and thus the bandages remained.

Rendering Sanji blind to their beastly appeal.

Zoro only gave an irritable glare before clicking his tongue, both of them refused to even look at the other, Sanji being too invested in distracting himself by cleaning his beloved utensils, and Zoro just now finding a very interesting spot on the wall.

The silence dragged on between them for a while, it was so unusually quiet that they could hear their captain laughing about some 'bone joke' of Brook's, the way Franky and Usopp passionately went away with their hammers, realizing just now how loudly Chopper could walk across the deck.

With neither of them initiating anything, eventually Sanji dragged out a loud sigh, making Zoro discreetly glance in his direction.

In all honestly, the chef knew he shouldn't be mad at Zoro- at least not in earnest, the man was an idiot for sure, but he was the bigger idiot who let his guard down and gave his opponent a moment's opening.

Clicking his tongue agitated, he roughly took his cigarette and snuffed it out on the ashtray by the windowsill, "come over here" growling back to Zoro with a firm frown, the greenie grinned evilly at the sight before sauntering over like a cocksure feline.

With a short snort of amusement, the first mate casually leaned close to the chef, just enough for the two of them to pick out the individual lashes in their eyes.

Zoro didn't say anything with words, the swordsman was never a man to communicate that way, the greenie never felt he had to justify or explain everything he did after all.

But his eyes always spoke enough, and Sanji could make out every word.

And in those eyes he could make out, 'I locked the front door'

Allowing the mask of anger to drop as he cupped the first mate's cheek, his features softened as he leaned in with an ecstatic grin.

It's been far to long since they've spent some 'couple time'.


"Hey Luffy!" Usopp called over to the captain, making the boy swirl his head around like a screw.

Grinning cheerily, he leaned over the railing on the upper deck and stretched lazily, "yeah Usopp?"

"Could you check on Zoro and Sanji? I'm worried that they might've killed each other"

Nodding indifferently, the captain didn't have any other second thoughts as he ran to the kitchen door and jiggled the knob.

It was locked.

Lips pursing for a moment or two at the unexpected situation, the raven questioned what course of action to follow next until the porthole shined, catching his attention.

Smiling at the window's sheen, Luffy stuck his face in the porthole, with his cheek pressed firmly against the glass and his breath softly clouding up the glass.

Although his casual grin was wiped off his face at a shocking- no, a down right stupefying sight.

"Holy shit!"

The teenager blinked, still not believing what he was seeing, "hoooooly shit!"

There was still some perfectly good meat left from lunch! How did he miss that?!

"Oi Luffy!" Snapping out of the shock, he turned back to the lower deck and blinked incredulously down at his sniper, "are Zoro and Sanji alright?"

Ah right.

Leaning a little to the left, he scanned across the kitchen until he spotted the two men making out against the wall.

Smiling happily, the captain walked away from the porthole, "yeah! They're fine!"

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