Tripper AU

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(Zolu) Zoro finally discovers why he gets lost all the time.


"What the fuck?"

It took Zoro a few moments to realize that this was not the place he was just standing a few seconds ago.

He could've sworn he was just on his way to school via the usual path, and not only that but last time he checked the calendar, winter definitely ended.

Although, despite all that here he was, in the middle of a thicker, more unrecognizable forest covered head to toe in a white sheet of snow.

With a red ornament in his left hand.

Mind clicking back to the small thing, Zoro frowned at it with an unnerving suspicion, realizing the change came upon him the moment he picked it up.

Twisting it around in his palm, the greenie scanned for any obvious abnormalities that might explain this shit.

It was red, just a straight up red bulb like in all the movies, the only thing about it that wasn't a total cliche was the large grin printed on it.

A grin without an owner, not even a beard to indicate it was Santa Claus.

He wouldn't be surprised if he woke up seconds from now to being in a hospital bed and being told that he was found drugged in some ditch somewhere.

The teen winced at his own imagination, something he'd blame on Robin if he wasn't too busy wondering what the fuck he should do.

The first thought that came to him was looking for any landmarks, see if maybe he was wrong about winter being over and mother nature just decided to throw one last snow storm on him.

Yeah.. without him noticing despite being outside the whole time..

Shaking away the doubts, Zoro moved to go off into a direction that appealed to his instincts- but stilled before taking a single step at the sight of a deer.

A milky, icy, pure white deer.

The horns were transparent- and they had icicle shapes dripping from them as if they were truly made of ice.

The fur was just as white, it even sparkled with dew when it moved just right.

The eyes- Zoro learned with a spike of dread, were no different once it turned to face him dead on, as if it could sense his awe.

By now Zoro knew for sure that yes, he had to have been very, very lost, and this time it wasn't his fault.

As if the deer awakened something within the thicket, more life began to close in on the clearing Zoro found himself in.

Rabbits began to spring from underneath the bushes along the clearing's edge, squirrels poked their snowy heads out from the iced leaves, and much more revealed their lil snouts.

Despite the unnatural colouring, Zoro felt almost reassured at their presence.

Such small animals wouldn't be anywhere near him if there was danger about, right?

He was answered with an unearthly growl, close enough that he could feel the breath brush over his neck and down his spine.

Instantly going on high alert, the teen felt his knees threaten to buckle over the imaginary weight on his shoulders, his instincts immediately gave him enough of a brain to pick between two options: fight or flight.

However, he wasn't able to choose one before the creature came around from behind and grinned, not unlike what was painted on the ornament still in his fist.

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