Wanted Poster

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(Lawlu) This is how Law came to know Monkey D. Luffy


He was still in the North Blue when he first came face-to-face with Monkey D. Luffy.

Well, maybe not exactly face-to-face, but this was around the time when he became aware of the younger boy's existence

It was on their last stop before advancing to the Grandline, to wash down their nerves and enjoy themselves for what could be the last time for a long time, the crew had settled themselves in a nice tavern to suck everything dry.

Of course, Law didn't have the stomach nor the careless spirit to drink nearly as much as the rest of his subordinates did, after all, they were still criminals against the law, and an officer or some bounty hunter could come for their heads at anytime- there were no rules to combat on these seas.

Hell, he was once attacked completely at random in a fucking hospital for crying out loud.

So, with the potential dangers surrounding them plague his mind, the Heart pirate captain just held onto a single bottle of beer and watched over his ridiculous crewmates horsing off.

Yeah, they were all pretty smashed, the damn idiots.

The tavern was quite huge, being a place that had to often hold many pirates due to the modern trends, although it seemed today was a rare exception, with them being the only occupants- with the exception of a few local drunks with no concern for their lives.

As the night wore on, more and more people drank until they dropped, and Law was so unbelievably bored- hold up.

Nearly choking on his half empty bottle, Law blinked before walking up to the poster that caught his eye, the beer already forgotten on the table.

He was certain it was a bounty poster, that was for sure, no mistaking that font and verification stamp for a counterfeit, but what was on the poster confused him for a moment.

A young boy, there was a God forbid fucking child wanted dead by the world government for thirty million beli- sure it was a decently small bounty, but it was the intention behind that number that counted.

Were the authorities losing their minds?

Judging by his features he was probably only a few years younger than him, definitely still in his teens, and Law could guess he still must have been lacking experience due to how joyous he looked, there was no way anybody who actually had to dance with death on a daily basis could smile so innocently, yet..

Smooth, tanned skin without a hint of a wrinkle, hair as shaded and rough as coal, and a bright, naive spirit that radiated from the smile printed on the paper.

...He's cute.

Turning to the burnt out bartender with a firm poker face, Law nodded to him and jutted his thumb to the poster, "what do you know about this Monkey D. Luffy?"

With bleary eyes, the man squinted hard for a moment longer than most people would take, only until after the glass in his hand began to slip from his grasp did recognition flash in his eyes.

"Ah, that newbie kid.." So the boy was indeed still a rookie- not too unlike him, "he's the captain of a small East Blue crew, they only formed a couple months back but they're already raising a fuss- last I heard they got past the infamous captain posted at Loguetown and are heading for the Grandline.."

East Blue huh, thirty million was quite a big bounty in the standards of a place such as East Blue- perhaps this was the birth of a big fish in a small pond?

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