The Perfect Family Unit

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(Katakuri X OC(s)) This is the story as to how the members that the Charlotte family refer to as 'the perfect family unit' came together.


Of course, our story begins with an arranged marriage, as every Charlotte story of romance inevitably does.


Truth be told, when Katakuri first arrived at the Chateau that day, he hadn't had an inkling as to why or to what cause.

Only after piecing together whatever gossip he could scrounge up from the homies of the palace, and his siblings as they slowly filtered through over the days, he came up with a basic scenario

A small group of criminals - not quite pirates, exact crimes unclear in nature, assumedly a trio at most, all women - were apprehended by the homies on Liqueur island - whether they did something to upset Mama or were just victims of her whims is unclear - and were now awaiting Mama's judgement over their fates - which everyone knew was either a terrific death, or submitting under her will - which will be taking place in a few days, once the remaining invitees among the family showed up.

While finding out what exactly Mama was planning didn't require much effort, searching for any information about the criminals in question was like pulling teeth.

The only useful bit of information he could discover was that all three of them - definitely a trio - had sufficient bounties to their names, or at least large enough to silence the homies whenever he tried to inquire more about them.

Would have gone better overall if he actually had a rough amount to work from, or their actual names.

It didn't matter in the end, as they'd be brought before Mama like all the others and meet the same fate everyone else does and ever did.

When the time actually came to see these criminals though, Katakuri found that this was nothing like every other instance of judging some nameless wit.

Just as he predicted, upon the arrival of the officers in charge of escorting the prisoners to Mama's throne room, in came a trio of women, and individually, they looked nothing too unusual, together however...

They were very, very strange.

Even if it weren't for his natural abilities of premonition, Katakuri didn't need to use observation haki to foresee their arrival, everyone in the throne room could hear them coming from down the hall, because one of them was singing, of all things.

That same singer was the first one to walk through the doors to Mama's chambers.

She was the shortest of the trio, of an average height for a human woman he guessed, dressed very colourfully and with what also appeared to have been well-valued fabric - she was likely born from money, a noble, perhaps - the dress she wore was vibrant, flowy as well - she didn't seem like a capable combatant, but the general learned long ago not to be deceived by appearances and she did supposedly have a good bounty on her head - and stranger yet, she kept singing.

While it wasn't loud enough to really be called singing at that point, the notes never stopped streaming from her lips, and he had to question whether the pathetic thing went delirious from her misfortune.

But no, to his complete bafflement, the woman's aura was as still as a pond, if not for the few ripples of apprehension.

The woman continued to hum and haw in a musical tone to herself and twirl about as the next woman came in close behind.

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