Barbarian AU

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(Zoro X Reader) It's tradition for a barbarian to kidnap a potential mate and bring them home with them before properly 'courting' them.


This- This was not how Zoro imagined his first week off to go.

He pictured various bars and gambling rings, maybe hitting up the underground fighting ring to work off the heady buzz and hustle up some quick cash, none of it was set in stone though, Zoro was never a man to stick to a schedule or idea.

However, he very much doubted getting kidnapped by a barbarian was on his list of possibilities for how his vacation would go.

Outside the tent, he could hear the hustle and bustle of life, the sound of conversation and grunts of animals, there were sparse giggles of young children as they ran through the area, and Zoro could feel a part of him ease at the sound.

If there were children around, then he must've been in a communal area, hardly a place to contain or kill a prisoner.

Despite all of his struggling, his bounds didn't let up in the slightest, and once he dubbed it a lost cause, he started to pay more attention to his immediate environment.

From the inside, the tent looked about the same size as the main room in his apartment, it was.. quaint to say the least.

Embroidered tarps and pelts lined the walls or were strewn about the ground, alongside them were various trinkets of drastically diverse shapes and sizes, none matching or seeming to serve any purpose besides being on display.

One pelt in particular drew his attention from it's outlandish appearance, instead of it being a tame colour or even one that would blend with its environment, it roared loudly at him with black stripes over an orange and white field of fur.

Never has the wall-runner seen such a pattern, especially one for an animal, and while there was a realistic part of himself that doubted that it was from anywhere around his home, there was another that was already questioning what else could be stalking in the forest.

Hesitantly looking away from the eccentric piece, he analyzed the large containers on the other side of the tent, they looked heavy, and were probably used often as they were set close to the only bed in the room.

Unlike his own at home, this bed didn't have a frame or mattress, but consisted of quilts stacked upon one another on the ground, forming a shapeless nest, with several clumps of- fur? Fabric? Zoro couldn't tell, but from appearances alone, they seemed to have been chunks of a fleece taken fresh off a ram.

All and all the place was very simplistic, and it made Zoro question where everything else was kept because there was no way this was all they had? Where were the weapons? The appliances? The housekeeping tools?

As if they sensed the greenie's ever mounting boredom, the barbarian that kidnapped him finally returned, freezing in the entrance as they made eye contact, and once they snapped out of whatever daze that occurred, nodded approvingly before making themselves at home.

Curling up on himself, Zoro watched the barbarian with a critical eye, especially once he spotted the dulled hatchet in their fist.

As if feeling his eye, the barbarian abruptly turned to him and set their weapon down, though much of their appearance was shadowed by the strange pelt that they wore.

Stepping towards him wearily, the barbarian made a questioning sound- an alien noise to his ears, the only way to describe it was a blended version of a pigeon's coo and a cat's purr.

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