Shoot Your Cuffs

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(Sanji X Reader) Just our favorite cook being a suave, cool ladies man.


Sitting quietly a little ways off from the boisterous crowd, you watched, silently satisfied as the whole community celebrated like it was the last night of life at it's finest.

The Strawhat pirates saved your whole island from the selfish marines that wanted your forest's medically soothing tree sap, and for that you were grateful, everyone was.

Hearing a loud voice above the rest, you turned to smile at the petite raven boy who lead the fight against the corrupted officials, he was dancing so ridiculously, if before this incident you've seen him, never would the thought of him being dangerous cross your mind.

He looked much too kind for even the insinuation, but of course his 300 million beli bounty proved you wrong.

After you watched him for a little while, a masculine voice clearing their throat snapped you out of it, and you glanced to the side seeing one of the captain's subordinates.

"Ah, you're Sanji right?" Smiling unsurely at the blonde, you blushed seeing him grin cutely with rosied cheeks.

Aw, his heart shaped eyes were very endearing.

Noticing he was hiding something behind his back, you leaned to the side and tried to grab a peek, but he slid sideways to make sure you couldn't see it.

"Whatcha up to?" Smiling plainly at him, he gulped before walking up to you and holding out a small bouquet of white, red, and pink camellias.

You flushed a dizzying red as you numbly accepted the gift, cradling the bouquet to your chest as your final brain cells failed to comprehend the situation, you gulped.

Why was such a wonderful man giving you something so lovey-dovey?

Both of your eyes flying away nervously, the two of you froze in the moment, twiddling your thumbs until he finally struck the nerve to speak once more.

"E- Ehh, well this may seem a little sudden (Y/n)-chan.."

When did he get your name?

"But-" he bent down on one knee and smiled gently, "would you like to dance with me?"

Blushing happily, you nodded your head softly, "mhm" your cheeks grew warm seeing the pirate gawk at you in childish awe in response.

"Yeah!" Standing straight back up again, Sanji grinned at you with new confidence and shot his cuffs out excitedly.

Blushing at the action, you wandered into the crowd by his side, loving the strong smell of the camellias on his clothes.

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