What Happens At The Principal's Office

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(Law X Reader) Your dad wasn't pleased to hear the call, none of the family were. However, this call soon leads to a meeting that quickly changes the path of your life.


You stared up at your principal as he continued to type away on his excessively clunky keyboard, even from where you were seated you could see the vast number of pop-ups, ads, reminders, and alerts eating up his screen, and of course one couldn't ignore the cries of his computer as it tried to keep up with it all.

Subconsciously picking at the bruise bleeding into your skin, you gave the guilty party a probing look, silently trying to pry him open with your mind alone, but was deterred by the ugly sneer thrown your way.

"The hell you staring at?" His sneer swiftly turned into a bitter, twisted grimace of pure hate, of you, of the principal, of this situation, you wouldn't doubt if the list went on and on, but more interesting than all that was how natural it came to him.

"Your eyes"

The boy leaned back, metaphorically and physically taken aback by your response, "what- why the hell are you staring at my eyes?!" Now he was bearing his teeth in clear aggression, but it didn't bother you much considering how your first clash ended.

"They're so angry.. and pretty I guess, are you that upset about losing?"

This time, the boy didn't even bother to snarl before jumping out of his seat, and you steeled yourself at the action, ready for anything he could dish out.

However, he seemed to have remembered where you were, tossed a weary glance to the principal, still typing away, and hesitantly dropped back into his chair with a click of his tongue.

You also liked to think that when he jumped up, he was also reminded of his own injuries and the plenty more he could gain from provoking you again.

After a few moments of wringing his wrists and rubbing over his reddened arms, the boy glared at you something fierce, "I'm not upset about losing"

"Then what are you upset about?"

He pursed his lips, looking down as he mulled over the question before ultimately curling up with a hiss, "nothing"

A few more minutes passed before the principal finally deemed whatever they were trying to accomplish a lost cause and shoved themselves away from the computer.

He threw you both a scrutinizing glare, unabashed disapproval made clear.

You couldn't say you knew this guy pretty well, he was hired fairly recently, taken in as a hasty replacement due to the last principal's unexpected departure, but in the week that you've known him, you've swiftly come to learn that the poor schmuck was new to town as well.

With the way he was behaving, he wouldn't be around for much longer..

"(Y/n), Law.. do you two have anything to say about what you've done?"

The said raven answered with an icy look, and you were just content to watch the hatred dance upon his features, since nothing this guy said would matter anymore.

He was a dead man walking at this point.

Either due to sheer ignorance, or misplaced bravery, the principal gripped Law by the arm and jostled him in his seat, expression stern and promising a steep punishment if met with further resistance.

"You better smarten up that attitude of yours Trafalgar, I know your type, and believe me when I say.. I won't be letting you get smart with me"

Yep, he'll be found drifting in a river in a matter of days.

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