My Nerd

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(Kidd X Bespectacled! Reader) Just a little story on how Eustass Kidd threw you into his collection of subordinates and fell in love with you.


Adjusting your glasses before stepping in, you blinked around and pursed your lips at the sight of criminals inhabiting the bar.

You were hoping that the pirate crew that recently dropped anchor at the island thought it was too early to drink but- from the looks of it you couldn't be anymore wrong.

Easily walking past them without much notice, you sat a few stools off from a burly man with a thick, fur coat.

Obviously, he was the captain of the very boorish and drunk idiots raising up a roar of laughs and slurs.

Well, at least he made good eye candy.

Trying hard not to glance in the redhead's direction, you kept in mind that the guy who was not even a meter away could possibly kill you in a heartbeat if he felt like it.

The bartender soon came to your service- thankfully distracting you from making any foolish mistakes, like accidentally making eye contact with a deadly, sexy pirate.

"Water, (Y/n)?" Smiling up at the absurdly thin man, you gave him a small nod before taking out your notebook and smiling down at the scribbles.

As a tall glass was placed in front of you, your lenses shined as the drink reflected the lights above and you momentarily glanced away to escape the glare.

Suddenly you felt your heartbeat delay for a moment or two when your (E/c) orbs stared dead center into a pair of golden rouge ones.

You made eye contact with the pirate captain.

At that moment you knew you were greeting death to the face, yet you didn't feel as frightened as you thought you would- or should be.

Of course your anxiety blew off right in that moment, but before your glasses fogged up and you looked away, you were able to notice a few features that stuck out for you.

His hair was naturally that red, like the blood he would have on his hands on a regular basis, lips a dark hue of sangria red- you were yet to deduct if that was natural or lipstick, but it looked complete on him all the same, and his skin was pale although not drastically so.

It was the kind of pale that would be appropriate for any normal person, but definitely not for a commonly sun-kissed pirate.

Trying to hide the blush that fought to rise onto your cheeks, you quickly took your water and sipped it lazily.

Doing anything but glancing his way again, you brought your attention back to your scribbles and decided to write a little about the pirates in the bar and the intimidating captain beside you.

As the afternoon transitioned into evening, soon more locals decided to find their way in, and the atmosphere grew more and more dodgy.

Incredibly, the crew was still drinking, and you still had a pirate captain two seats away from you, as it seemed everyone else was too hesitant to take a seat any closer to his assumed vicinity.

Now with many people in the bar, smoke drafted through the air, and unfortunately your glasses would fog up every five minutes from the humidity of it.

Glancing down at all the notes you've gotten for the day, you decided that would be enough to satisfy you but- "the fuck you think you're doing?"

Pausing at the hoarse, raspy voice, you turned to where the pirate captain was sitting to see him facing down a well known hoodlum- one that had beef with you too, shit.

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