matchmakers/this is war

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So this is a two parter that I simply kept together. Hopefully this is still enjoyable and different? Have fun!

67,000 words.

Part 1:


In which Hufflepuff Jungkook and Slytherin Jimin help (H) Hoseok and (S) Yoongi get together, while slowly realizing they're developing feelings for one another along the way.


Jungkook excitedly said goodbye to his parents and headed through the platform. He made sure his brother was with him before checking his things.

"You excited?" Junghyun smiled at him. "I wanna know where you get sorted, I think it's completely up in the air."

"I am excited! I wonder what it's like to be with so many similar people." Jungkook smiled as they saw the train, Junghyun helping him get on and find a place to sit. "You're really fine with me being with your friends?"

"Of course. I want you to be as comfortable as possible. Besides, my friends are excited to meet you too." He bumped their shoulders. "But if you feel brave you can go try and make some friends with other first years."

"N-no, I'd rather meet people at the dinner."

"You'll fit right in, I promise." Junghyun reassured him. "I was nervous too, but I didn't have anyone to help me. So if you need me, I'm here."

"Thank you." Jungkook smiled at him. "Can I look around?"

"When the train starts, sure! Maybe even one of the others will show you around. We've got some spare money but- well, you know-"

"It's okay, I don't need anything." Jungkook smiled. "I just want to look."

They nodded at each other. Anything to keep their money. They had to save up for big things like books and equipment, not for splurges. Not for candy and treats, but for quills and scrolls.

They waited in their car until some of Junghyun's friends came in, Jungkook maintaining small talk, before the train started moving. Jungkook felt excitement, but quickly boredom.

"I want to look around." Jungkook spoke quietly to his brother, Junghyun nodding.

"Go ahead. I'm sure you'll feel better exploring on your own." He smiled at him, but Jungkook shook his head.

"I'm nervous..."

"Would you rather be nervous or bored?"

"Mmm..." Jungkook looked away. "Fine."

"Come back in 30 minutes or I'll go look for you, okay?"

"Okay." Jungkook got up and headed out the car, seeing some people walk around and to the left, so he followed them. They were older, so they probably knew what they were doing.

Jungkook looked around in awe. He'd heard everything from Junghyun but seeing it himself was so different. Everything felt magical, unlike their home.

Jungkook and Junghyun were half-bloods, their mother a wizard, their father a normal muggle, but their house was a beautiful mix of both. A little magic unless there were guests over. He was used to it, especially once Junghyun started going to school and showing him tricks. Until their mom banned them battling each other in the living room after Jungkook got hit and got a cut on his cheek from getting pushed backwards and hitting a desk.

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