The Underworld

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Where Jungkook is Hades, and Jimin is Persephone.

20,000 words.

(A slightly apology for this one. I loved writing it, but, it does get slightly confusing with pronouns, and who is who. I edited it as best as it could, but if it's still confusing comment on the confusion and I'll try and fix it up! Stay safe my lovelies :) 💜


"Now, let me explain how this world works. You're young, and new to this my child, but I will tell you how this is all connected. It's all a bit...complicated, but in a way, it is beautiful. My name my child. Say my name."


"Yes. But my child, that is not my name. It's my chosen name. And you've chosen a name too."

"...Jimin isn't my real name?"

"But it is. You see, we're all born again as a god or goddess, and our minds change but we're the same person. Our history is the same. All that changes is our new memories we make. You my child, are Persephone, or Kore. I am Demeter. I chose this form and name for myself. You chose your name and form."

"Okay...I'm ready to listen to it all."

Jin smiled. Jimin sat down on the grass before laying down.

"My child. You've been recently reincarnated. You're a young goddess, so your reincarnations happen more frequently than others. Our main three gods, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, all rarely, if ever, reincarnate. You reincarnate once you believe you've grown as much as you can, you spring beauty."

Jimin tilted his head in confusion.

"I watched you grow, and mature, and gain knowledge until you decided you had nothing left to learn. You decomposed like a flower, and we're born again to who you now are. In spring, you came back."

"What did I use to do?"

"You spent your days in the fields, growing flowers and helping the animals. You went out to study and learn about nature from the people, before you came back to me broken. I promise you, I will not let you fall again. You've much to learn my child."

"Do you reincarnate?"

"I do, but not often. I've been me for...quite some time, but I know I've still got much to learn."

"Demeter." A new voice joined them.

Jin turned. "I thought I told you not to call me that Hermes."

"Please, call me Taehyung if you're going to be rude."

"Tae, please, I'm in the middle of something."

"You don't want to know the news?"

Jin sighed, as Taehyung grinned. Jimin listened patiently. "What is it?"

"Hades reincarnated." Taehyung continued to have a grin on his face, one Jimin couldn't read.

Jin's eyes went wide before he returned to normal. "Oh really?"

"When does a big three reincarnate?" Jimin asked, looking up at Taehyung.

"When their loved one dies. They only reincarnate once their destined queen or king dies."

Jin watched Taehyung's expression. "You must not speak of when Persephone reincarnated. Do you understand?" Jin was serious, and Jimin felt confused. "Speak a different month, a different week, a different day. I didn't think this would be Persephone's future."

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