Kings and Queens

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Hello everyone!

Merry Christmas! This took a bit of time to make. Thank you all so much for letting me take my time and create someone good instead of rushing to just get something out.

I apologize too much, so, instead of apologizing for being slow, I'm going to thank you all for sticking with me.

I'm writing a lot of stories currently, so some should be out sooner than later.


~Munch 💜

In which Jungkook and Jimin are princes from different kingdoms, and Jungkook needs help learning the proper etiquette and knowledge a prince should know. And what's better than learning from another prince?

22,000 words.

small warning, this story will have:
high homophobia

It'll turn out alright of course, a perfect, happy ending, but these things are a big part of the plot. Do not read if you're uncomfortable with it. I don't wanna make anyone sad :(


"Father, please. I wish to learn from my brother, not a neighboring prince. Brother knows more than I could even imagine." Jungkook sat by his fathers bed, his face desperate.

"Jungkook, this is no time to argue with me. Your brother is busy ruling his kingdom with his Queen, you mustn't rely on him any longer. The Park family has already agreed to help us, and the Gold kingdom has already prepared and announced that their prince and his company are coming here. Be good to them when they arrive. They'll be here tomorrow."

"Father! This wasn't a discussion if it's just your decision."

"I never said it was a discussion. Prepare for tomorrow. You'll be getting the training I cannot personally give."

Jungkook angrily stood. "I wish you a good recovery father." He left the room and went to his own.

Jungkook didn't want to become this kingdoms next king. He liked being a prince. It gave him freedom to discover himself while only slightly learning about politics and how to run a kingdom. It was just so much work that he didn't even really want. He liked archery, he liked watching Taekwondo and Hapkido (his father forbid him to even think about putting himself in harms way). He liked playing with the dogs he owned and he liked helping the maids with their makeup. He liked singing and listening to music. He liked keeping in shape, and he liked drawing and painting.

He liked many things that he father didn't. And he dislike many things his father wanted him to learn.

He didn't like learning history. He didn't like learning the neighboring languages. He didn't like politics. He didn't like riding horses. He didn't like going out into the town to meet the people (they were always asking for help, and he didn't know how to answer them.) He didn't like that he needed to learn how to play the piano to appease people, he'd rather sing.

But most of all.

He didn't like that he had to marry. He didn't like that he had to marry a woman.

Their biggest disagreement was about his...preference.

Jungkook liked guys, that was simple enough to everyone except his parents. His father who would never accept him if he hadn't of played it off as a joke and then cried himself to sleep that night. His mother had no say in the matter, nor did she think Jungkook was right in his decision. He would be taking his fathers rule of Crystal Kingdom whether he liked it or not, and he would have a wife. Whether he liked it or not.

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