i will always love you

10.9K 164 658

In which Jungkook has had a lifelong crush on Jimin, his best friend of 7 years, and will never feel the need to confess.

42,200 words.

This one is long, and sad, because I started school and was very sad, so I portrayed that in this story. I listened to Lovesong by the cure on repeat for this song so yeah, sadness. Anyways, this was what I wrote instead of my last story which is why the last one took so long T-T.

We also hit a milestone! 150K!! Here is the thanks :D


Jungkook couldn't help but cry himself to sleep once again. The pain in his chest was a little too tight, his heart hurt just a little too much, and his body had bottled up enough to overflow. He ignored his texts, put on a sad song to listen to on repeat, and cried.

It was always going to be Jimin. It was always going to be him, and he knew it. There wasn't going to be anybody else. He was it. That was it.

But Jimin wasn't his, and wouldn't be. There was a zero percent chance of Jimin ever feeling the same way.

Jungkook, I need to ask you something. College has been busy, but I've really been hitting it off with this new guy. Can you please take notes for me tomorrow?? I'll repay you with food and updates!

Of course hyung. Have a nice date :)

A quick response! That's rare >:)
Thanks, you're a blessing :D

Jungkook reread it again and again and again and again. There was always someone else, always another factor, always another heather.

Jungkook would never be the one for Jimin, even if Jimin was the only one for Jungkook.


He woke up eventually, his eyes tired and still red from his crying session. He checked his phone, still ignoring his other texts. What was the point of unrequited love? To tear a heart apart? Jungkook didn't know, but also didn't know why it had to be for Jimin.

Get over him. Step one, stop getting sad and jealous over his new dates.


Jungkook decided to ignore Jimin's flow of date updates, where they were going, what he was going to wear, who it was he was going with.

Instead, he got ready for his class of the day, his and Jimin's shared one...which, well, wasn't worth it to go to without Jimin, but if Jimin asked for notes then there would be notes.

He changed his clothes into...basically the same thing. Sweater, jeans.

As he left, he bumped into some others along the way.

"Kook! Why didn't you answer me?" Taehyung spoke with a pout as he walked up to Jungkook so they could walk side by side.

"Don't you have a class hyung?" Jungkook gave him a side eye.

"Ouch, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Where's?..." he trailed off, seeing Jungkook's shot eyes. "Oh sweet jesus."

"He's on another date. And he asked me for class notes, so I'm going to class." Jungkook met Taehyung's eyes. "Hyung...how do I cut him off?"

"Jungkook, no. You can't do that. You're best friends, that's too extreme."

"It hurts. I...never mind. I need to stop, and be supportive, no matter what." Jungkook took a big breath and let it out. "Okay! Another day of school. I'll see you hyung, I'll be alright. Tell the others I can't meet up for lunch, and that I won't be replying." Jungkook gave him a smile and finger guns as they parted ways, Jungkook basically running off.

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