you're so lovely

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In which Jungkook is a captain with a special mission, and Jimin is a merman with a burning desire.

48,650 words.

Thank you @becca6677 for this request!

Also all my boat knowledge comes from fucking Muppets Treasure Island so sorry if I get anything wrong T-T

Trigger warnings ⚠️:
•implied rape
•on screen death (not the main characters, don't worry)


Jungkook woke early, the sun barely inching over the horizon, so he could set sail with the good winds. He put on his heavy winter coat, getting his cap on, then headed out of his house.

He was about to head into a very important meeting to finalize his expedition of sorts, then he'd get on his ship and head out with his crew members.

He grabbed an apple and ate on the way to the meeting, not seeing many people out and about. The air was cold, the ocean breeze keeping it even cooler, as he walked to his meeting.

Upon arrival, he saw his first mate, smiling wide when their met eyes. "Namjoon-ah! Early as always." Jungkook walked up to him and the two shook hands briefly. "Thank you for coming, it means a lot to me."

"Of course! We're in this together. We're your crew after all." Namjoon smiled wide, looking at their hands. "Besides, this'll be a good trip. I'm so excited to see what we'll find."

Jungkook nodded and went into the building with Namjoon.

They'd have to see their boss before heading out to sea. He was sure his ship was getting arranged at the moment as well.

When they got to the meeting room, they were greeted by their boss.

"Jungkook! Glad that you're ready. Namjoon, I'm extremely pleased that you're still with him, you make good work happen." Their boss smiled wide. "Now, you've got a shipment to a much more...discreet place. Don't share this to any other sailor, any other captain, any other person besides your crew Jungkook, okay?"

Jungkook nodded, looking at him seriously. "Okay. You have our word. What exactly are we doing?"

"You're being sent to an island called Kilja, I'm sure you've heard and passed by it before, but were shipping out...resources to them." He slid over a file, Jungkook taking it and looking through it with Namjoon looking over his shoulder. His hands shook slightly as he read through it, noticing it was rather short. Maybe unfinished.

"Sir..." Namjoon gave their boss a small look. "Is this real?"

"They believe so, so we're taking their money. A job is a job." He looked between the two. "You're still willing to take it, right? You're the best duo I've got."

"I'm sure it's nothing. I can handle anything with my crew." Jungkook stood up, taking the file. "We'll still take it, right hyung?" Jungkook looked at him with hope in his eyes.

"Of course." Namjoon smiled and stood as well. "I'm all for a little adventure." He seemed to understand that this was...a different kind of job.

"I'm glad I have you two to take care of this. I wish you luck and good winds. Jungkook...if you're still serious about this being your last time...then I hope it fills you with pride."

Jungkook bowed, then left with Namjoon to head to the docks. He handed Namjoon the file.

"This is fucking crazy hyung." Jungkook spoke lowly as the two walked close together, the winter winds freezing his ears.

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