daggers #2

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it was a normal tuesday for the Class A of College of Fine Arts and Design as they waited for their first professor to come inside the room. kidding! of course, it wasn't just a normal day.
everyone was anticipating to meet their newest professor in Industrial Design. it was no secret, may it be to the girls and the guys, that the said professor is young, probably single, and oozing with sexiness and intimidating aura. that description alone can make everyone's stomach turn in excitement to meet him.

a moderate noise filled their room as friends and blockmates talk and gossip to each other before the class starts. meanwhile, justin only remains in his seat, talking only when being talked to as he stares outside the window beside him. he's not really the introvert type but he's not a loud and extrovert person as well. he just prefers to be quiet that morning, probably still catching his breath from running a kilometer just to arrive to his class on time.

everyone went silent when they heard three knocks on the door. it flung open, revealing the person that everyone has been waiting to see.

stellvester ajero. his I.D, which was pinned on the left side of his polo, stated. stell strides swiftly but smoothly towards the desk infront. he was wearing a simple white polo and black slacks, partnered with shiny leather shoes, and a watch on his left wrist. stell carefully placed the papers that he was holding on top of the desk and pushed his thin eyeglasses a little before fixing himself to look at his students. some of them whispered at each other, noticing the faint brown stain by the left side of his polo.

justin only fixed his eyes on their professor and followed every movement that he made, which the younger found oddly satisfying to see. he suddenly felt his heart leap a little when stell's eyes landed on him and stayed there for a few seconds before he looked away and started talking.

"good morning, class." stell greeted and smiled and it already sounded like music to everyone's ears, especially to justin. his voice was deep, but not too much, and for justin, it sounded as though this voice can be so soothing like a lullaby. not to mention, stell's smile. it was warm like he will never do anything wrong, ever.
"please don't mind this stain on my polo. i promise, i'm a clean man. i just had a bit of a rough morning." everyone chuckled.

"okay lang, sir, ang pogi niyo pa din po!" kyla, one of their blockmates, teased, which made stell smile and everyone else made teasing noises as well.

"thank you. anyways, i'd like to apologize for being tardy this morning. i just had to tend to some files since today is my day one of being your new professor." stell stepped out and started to walk around the classroom as everyone still kept their eyes on him.

"and for those who don't know, i am your new professor for Industrial Design and i'm pretty sure that you're all aware that this is one of your major subjects. with that being said, i expect everyone in this class to be focused, persevered, and driven, when it comes to my subject. do you all understand?"

"yes, sir." everyone responded in an instant.

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