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I lay in bed unbothered until my stomach grumbles

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I lay in bed unbothered until my stomach grumbles. That cookie didn't do me justice.

I sit up putting on a dress a loose silk dark green one short and lace and thin straps.

I open the door I'm to lazy to put on pants.

If you happen to see my very beautiful ass cheeks good for you.

I poke my head out the door. Looking down the hallway with many doors in it it looks like a Castle from inside.

The large walls and tall celling made out of marble.

I step out my thick socks protect my feet from the cold floor.

I hear laughter coming from well I'm not sure. It's more then one man.

I walk downstairs quietly I see a light on in the living room. My mouth waters. I gasp feeling a hand cover my mouth pulling me to the wall. I sqiurm frantically.

it's Colten. I look up at him confused he dismisses me.

He tugs me into a room. "you scared me." I whine crossing my arms.

"why are we hiding?" I ask if we are hiding I look around the room in large and just like mine but less clothes and different sheets. Bigger window that the moons looms into.

It's smells just like him. The lights are off the moonlight it's incredible it's sorta dark. He stays silent his eyes graze my body.

"I want another lap dance." he smirks

"Hate to break it to you I'm off the clock and you still didn't pay me for the first one." I whisper the last part. I tap his shoulder I being observeing his very dark room the balcony door closed but the curtains open showing the moon which gives the railing a shadows. He sticks a wad of cash in my bra who in there right mind carries this much money on them at home in the dead of night.

He stands up looming over me with an upset smile i take a step back until I'm against the wall he's so much taller and bigger than me. I tilt my head up to see him. "Please." He whispers his hands pinning me in the wall.

In my ear sending vibrates. I give in nodding I push him on the bed he sits down watching me closely. "A lap dance only."I whisper to myself. His eyes trace all up my caramel thighs to my face my hair down in loose natural curls it hits my butt.

I spread his legs turning around I lean back on his body running my ass between his body to his dick I sit on my knees spinning around I run my hand through the inside of his thighs his breath gets heavy.

I flip my hair so its all on one side I climb on his lap straddling him I grind down on him I grip his hair as he stares at my face. Tugging it backwards he bites his lip his hands fall on my thighs. I snicker "and here I thought you weren't the needy type." I whisper running my bottom lip up his neck my thighs clench my folds are sticky I'm supposed to be turning him on not the other way around.

Maybe I was doing this much just to prove a point but it was working.

I should stop we should stop but I don't I can't I'm far to deep in this.

The torture of having something you no you cant have. in your life yet the thrill of having them pissed them off a bit to get a little bit of entertainment.

The last time we were I this position he make me soaking wet without actually being inside me. I bend backwards arching my back my hair floods on the floor.

I feel his hard erection against me I moan unable to hold it. I feel his warm tongue on my stomach I shudder gasping closing me eyes. That was unexpected I look back up following his gaze I want him. Damnit Katerina.

His hand slips in my underwear I swallow watching him in the eyes carefully I grind on his hand he chuckles "who knew you were so needy" he repeats my words feeling the pooling wetness between my thighs. I don't say anything but a knot builds in my stomach.

I bite my lip harder than ever to keep my pleas from spilling out my stubbornness Colten looks at with a knowing smirk like he's enjoying the internal war between my body and head.

The heart is part of the body and everyone knows the heart gets what it wants.

Fuck fine. Body wins.

"please d- dont tease anymore." I whisper desperate I relieve myself by grinding desperately on his fingers I want him inside me so fucking badly it's dumb.

He grabs my hips roughly stopping me. He moves my hair behind my ear. He look down his hand wet from me grinding against it. My eyes water up he slowly sticks a finger in my cunt. i whimper tossing my head back he groans. "Fuck your tight.way too fucking tight." His finger squeezes inside me I whine harder swallowing my pain it hurts a lot.

I had gotten surgery down there when I was younger. Doctor Said sex might hurt a lot more. Which I have had sex after the surgery it's just the guys penis wasn't as big as Colten's finger apparently.

I bite my lip he never breaks eye contact I gasp once he's fully inside my ass hits his thighs "poor princeps
you'd probably cry if I was actually inside you." he wipes a lone tear that trailed down my face. My juice leak down his finger. As I try to measure up to his finger.

I whimper he slowly pumps in and out going slow for me so it doesn't hurt as much. I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I'm gonna have to make more room for the second finger sweetheart." He whispers against my ear kissing right below it tears streak down my face in pleasure he barely even started. A moan slips from my lips I kiss on his neck trying to numb myself I suck and bite on one spot on his neck. Slowly easing my pain. My hands hold his neck I burry my face in his neck kissing gently feeling my bite marks with my tongue.

I keep quiet he starts to plunge another finger inside me I grasp on to his shoulders I scream in pleasure its muffled by his shoulder I being biting down. "It hurts" I shimmer he grabs my tearful face.
"Dose it still hurt" he ask his finger counties to slowly pump in and out of me. I shake my head no. Biting my lip.

"Try to stay quiet. Understand?" he reminds me I nod leaning my head on his shoulder forgetting people are sleeping again. He sticks the finger inside me fully I gasp moaning in pleasure he kisses my neck again "good girl." He whispers to me that send me to cloud nine his fingers slides in and out of me stretching my walls I moan in his ear uncontrollably his fingers fucks me ridiculously soft. The pleasure blinds me my body overwhelmingly loves this feeling a hard sensation builds up in my stomach with delicate moans leaving my lips and pleasure filled tears slide down my cheeks. Euphoria takes over my body.

I gasp softly my back arches he takes his hand out wrapping his wet warm hand around my thighs spreading my legs wider.

My body begins to throb and ny legs shake "I- I'm- gonna cum-" I breath out he lips capture mine three fingers are suddenly buried inside me a strangled gasp moan buried itself between our lips.

My eyes shut my lips cling to his i moan in his mouth my legs spasming around his body I pull away quivering around his fingers. I cum my body jerking my cunt squeezing his fingers tightly. He kisses my cheeks. Cupping the nape of my neck rubbing soothingly. I wrap my arms around his neck screaming in his shoulder.

His hands wrap around my hair pulling my slobbery lips towards his saliva heavy sine I just orgasmed. as he kisses me deeply his tongue intoxicating my mouth as he effect takes over i recapture his lips as his tongue slides in my mouth like a poison that's been waiting to take over. It's spreads rapidly like blue fire.

My eyes roll back i feel his fingers push my cum inside me deeper. My body jolts. I gasp biting down on his lip my body still recovering from the orgasm I just had. My legs clenching hard I breathe heavily my stomach relieved.

I just came on a man I met yesterday. I mean I've had a one night stand but this was different this felt like the best oral sex I've ever received. I mean I've never given oral but nothing can compare.

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