Yes, I get tired

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"Do you ever get tired?"

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"Do you ever get tired?"

"Tired of what" Dr. Otto asks looking at me curiosity in his brown eyes. I look at the floor then my hands cradle around my lap.

"Listening to other's peoples problems all day" I inform
"Your problems always seem to surprise me." He speaks I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not.
"So yes" I reply inserting what got from his vague answer.

"What makes you think that?" He asks leaning towards his coffee cup.

"If the answers not automatically yes then it's a no but is this case it's Vice versa." I explain He glances at me seemly irritated but he knows I don't really care if he's annoyed with my logic or not. "Where here to talk about you not me." He says trying to change the topic.

I furrow "It's just a question you ask me questions all day and I can't even ask you one?" I say crossing my arms.

"I've known you for while Katerina..." he trails off I smile sarcastically. "Tell me something I don't know" I mutter under my breath. Sighing I look out the window. At the water fountain back ground to the sea turtles and the rocks it looks like a rain forest.

"What is something you think you missed out on?" he asks "Well it definitely wasn't sex." I resort his face falls. "Katerina." He warns he doesn't like when I poke fun at my trauma.
He thinks it's me pushing down my feelings.

"I know you feel disgusted every time we talk about it so how about we skip the boring lecture. Like you said we've known each other for a long time you weren't the only one who picked up my lying tell." I cut him off. Cause I picked up on his.

"Ever since I got out the hospital I picked up on yours.
your lips purse inwards to hide your face expression
your foot ticks on your leg to keep your thoughts busy. But deep down your grossed out and disgusted whenever we talk about it so let's save you the discomfort and let's save me the embarrassment." I sharpen my words. "I'm not stupid I'm more disgusted by myself than anyone believe me." I mutter sighing.

"You got off topic tell me something no one knows about you." He replies pretending he didn't hear my rant I grin knowing I won.

"I don't the the color orange" I speak.

My eyes blink open I wake up. My fingers are gripping the blanket.
At least it's better than when I woke up screaming bloody murder and find scratches on my thigh I thought I was done unconsciously hurting myself.

I get up my eyes exhausted what is my mind trying to tell me besides. I'm a bitch. And I had some very extreme mental issues when I was 15. I get it enough with the memories of conversations I've actually had with my therapist.
Although at the time I was 15 and I've definitely grown out of that mad at the world stage.

I still don't particularly like the world but we get along. And I not trying to take myself out it anymore.

I remember at the end of that session he said my body or what happened to me doesn't disgust him. He was telling the truth or he's a really good liar. He told me that I'm strong for not letting darkness take over my life. And how much shit my body has been threw that no child should have to possibly go threw. And lots of other stuff.

It's eleven in the afternoon I get out my room. See the thing is I'm left alone most of the time so if I really wanted to escape I could. But I kinda didn't first reason I probably got evicted from not paying my rent for two months. I'm too upset my apartment was shitty anyway. I get payed more. I feel more confident in myself when I'm not covered in ketchup. My manager isn't looking up my skirt 24/7

I hit the large clean white marble clean the fridge has some food in it I hear soft humming and stepping I turn looking in the living room.

"oh!" Catalina gasp her blue eyes bright with color her black hair in a ponytail. She's in a maid uniform.
Really young for a maid.

"Hello." She says her feet in a odd shape as she stands with a duster in her hands her ear buds hang out her pockets. she's very young.

"I'm Catalina." Her voice so innocent and trusting. Lions den is far to dangerous for her. "Hi I'm Katerina." I introduce our names are quite similar.

She bites her lip swallowing "Did- did you want something to eat I can make you something I'm not a great cook but I can make eggs or a taco?" She babbles she's so young like 15. Her head bobbing up and down as she slips around the kitchen. "No no I'm good I'll stick to coffee." I say even though I don't drink coffee.

"Oh alright." She sighs softly pulling her hair out her face. "Do you work here your quiet young." I mumble I don't mean to pry. I'm just worried about her. she's looks so wholesome and needs to protected she has that vibe going on.

She nods her head "I'm 16 but I'm home schooled my mom died 2 years ago she use to work here. Colten sorta took me in." She babbles her eyes meet mine. She's slightly taller than me but our eye level is similar.

"Im sorry for your loss." I whisper to her. Noticing her glass eyes she shrugs "Thank you." She mutters looking at the floor.

"That' nice of him." I imply trying to change the topic. She smiles at me "yeah" she trails off her voice is soft...innocent. She teared up talking about her mother to me and she only met me today she makes herself vulnerable. But it's what innocent about her she has this wholesome look in her eyes.

"I'm headed to Starbucks would you like to come." I ask she looks at my warily. "I don't really like driving alone." I say in all honesty she looks like she's wants to come but is hesitant. She nods her head "I'll leave a note." She whispers I just nod my head and she skips her way to Coltens room.

She nods her head nimbly after leaving a note. I texted Colten she's with me just in case she might get in trouble.

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