Funny face

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I decided to get the red dress I was already wearing

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I decided to get the red dress I was already wearing.

I'm still gushing over my necklace it's so beautiful I feel like a princess or queen with this necklace. We're in the car heading to the mafia ball he refuses to call if that but I'll push and I'll win.

I get out the car Colten opening my door my hair pulled up are arms link together we approach the doors as there opened for us. I gasp my jaw drops "holy shit." I utter looking around my eyes widened we step threw the doors I blink several times looking at the aesthetic it's magical.

I look at the black crystals in the chandeliers my eyes wonder around the room the dark color "I stick out." I whisper "you were bound to stick out." He says I press my lips together I halt opening my mouth perhaps that's a compliment. I continue walking shutting my mouth.

My lips pause at all the people. Dark dresses dark suits the black fountain with dark water it's probably just the reflection. "Holy fucking cow." I feel my soul leaving my body as this turns into maple street the Twilight zone. My mouth stays on the floor my eyes brush around the gold bottomed of alcohol the black balloons the hors d'oeuvres. "Can we look at the food?" I ask "no." He says I frown "why not? I'm hungry." I cross my arms under my chest most of that food is poisoned he frown walking over the foood like a stubborn chin as I stomp over I look at the door taking a strawberry I walk back over to coke grabbing his chin a make sure he's watching as I bit into the strawberry I gasp falling into his arms as my eyes shut I fake faint laughing as I open my eyes his irritated face appears mor amusing then ever.

I felt his heart speed up quite a bit. I bite into the Strawberry again. All done I say putting the leaves in Colten hand. What I'm I suppose to do with this ?

"Your my sugar daddy" I wiggle my eyelashes just batting them. "everything I touch is precious." I say kinda sorta actually meaning it.

I feel hand grab my waist as drinks are begin served on gold platters. "This is some classy rich people shit." I utter under my breath "what I didn't hear you all the way down there." I roll my eyes "don't worry attack on Titan you're good." I snap "I have no fucking idea what that is."

"It's an anime... I think about this well I actually don't know what it's about but there this giant I think he attacks a place called titan." I say with my best estimate "Bottomline something called Titan gets attacked." I resort I think he stopped listening

"Are you still listening?"
"No" he answers
I narrow my eyes
"What would you do if I flashed my boobs the the entire male gaze over there." I gesture to the guys at the table staring at me.
I mean I know I look hot but get a grip babe.

"Kill you" he answers swiftly
"Oh there worth that much." I mutter jokingly ish.

"You shouldn't be showing off what's mine." I'm tempted to stick my tongue out flash them I flick his nipples in the process

"What's yours then?"

He stops walking and cresses my cheeks "your entire existence" he says stroking my cheek with his thumb.

When he tells you something misogynistic but then touches you gently.

My brain gets confused.

"Your not very good at controlling what you own. Which is my body right?" I whisper challenging him. He smirks as a old lady and her even older husband approach us.

"Coltino been so long how's the wife and kids?" I snort with laughter but keep it inside.

"The kids are great." I say proud "they've gotten so big it's crazy."
"Don't they always-" she smiles at with her denatures her husband kisses my hand "I'm sorry I forgot your name sweetheart Im awful with them." He asks
"Clementine De Lombardi" I say smiling Colten hand tightens around my waist.

We chat a bit before Colten drags me off "Clementine what kind of fucked up name is that?" He asks I hold in laughter "your wife's." I say he rolls his grey eyes my cheeks burn red.

"They're old they'll forget your name soon you like Opal."
"no that's my birthstone."
"figures" I huff "as if you know what month that's for." He shrugs "October I'm Libra borderline Scorpio." I influence him "fascinating." He says sarcastically I huff crossing my arms. Walking off.

"what are you doing?" He asks "you have upset Clementine I'm going to go check on Rudas and Shilly-shally" he looks at me with this 'are you a fucking mental patient?' look that's makes me laugh.

"god for fuck sake if we ever have kids you are won't naming them." He rubs his hand down his face saying that under his breath my smirk lingers on my face way longer than it should've.

I giggle.

Colten a girl appears Cecelia. He says looking at her then his eyes trail somewhere else "is this your wife." She asks tilting her brunette hair "he wishes I'm Elena." I say changing my name he raise San eye brow at me. "Gorgeous necklace" she states I guessing Mr. Sack didn't look at it.
I nod fuck. I realize my name.
"it's my middle name it beautiful isn't it." I lie it's a gorgeous necklace just not my middle name. "My sugar bought for me." I slap his butt.

He grabs my wrist "your done" he tells me dragging me off "bye Cordelia." I wave "opps it was Cecelia wasn't it."
Pushing me against the wall. "Aww I was having so much fun." I say acting disappointed. I poke out my bottom lip.

I kiss his cheeks "like I said I'm hungry." I restate walking under his arm that had me pinned to the wall.

"Me too" he gets on his lifting up my dress and pulling my underwear down he buries his face between my legs.


I lay in his bed the covers halfway off my body I stand up he's taking forever in the kitchen and its literally empty. I see him sitting on the couch watching the fire place I straddle the chair next to it my naked body against the warm glass I see him holding the Polaroid of me. My lips tip.

"Why did you pick that picture?" I ask nodding to the picture in his pocket "I've never seen you make that face before." I tilt my head snorting "I make lots of faces everyday and you find this one the most interesting. I'm almost offended." I utter the last part.

"Your gorgeous" he states looking at me in the mirror I furrow my brows "I mean I don't think I look gorgeous in that photo more hot." I splutter stammering "No not in the photo in general you face is literally perfect." I part my lips feeling my cheeks warm I pull my hair behind my ears shifting on my feet. He stands up looking at me shirtless with the dark sweatpants on.

"Your pretty high." I giggle sitting on the chair. "I'm not high." I narrow my eyes at his slightly red ones with his dilated pulps.

"Your high." I whisper standing on my chair. I'm the same height as him. "Wow it's glorious up here." I sigh "this belly button ring is a fucking tease." He grumbles I squish his cheeks perching up his pink lips. 

"Back to the bedroom." I whisper he grabs my thighs parting them as he lifts me off the chair. I lean against his lips kissing them slowly.
It's warm.

The Blue Hearted Devil HimselfWhere stories live. Discover now